#1 My dog was sitting like this while being fed with a fork by her grandpa

pilarstol / Via reddit.com

#2 Must pose like that often.

hootersbutwithcats / Via reddit.com

#3 When one sits on the wall, obviously the other has to, too.

alocacoc4 / Via reddit.com

#4 Everyday is a new weird thing with her.

WhiterThanRice / Via reddit.com

#5 This DRUMSTICK!!!!!!!!!!! BOYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Puppies_fart_hope / Via reddit.com

#6 Anywhere. You could sit anywhere.

mgray4011 / Via reddit.com

#7 Heard snoring from the bathroom, found him passed out like this.

Smackvein / Via reddit.com

#8 He likes to suck on his foot before bed.

Littlesteph49 / Via reddit.com

#9 This angel bb who appears to have frog’s legs

cstuart1046 / Via reddit.com

#10 I’m just gonna sit like this.

ebjazzz / Via reddit.com

#11 I can sit like human too

chuckleoctopus / Via reddit.com

#12 I came home to this

MobiSev / Via reddit.com

#13 Like how is this even comfortable.

Rachkovsky2 / Via reddit.com

#14 This guy who’s mastered his form: fully extended hind legs, face perfectly wedged in between couch cushions…I mean, wow.

WeirdDude_95 / Via reddit.com


akgyger / Via reddit.com

#16 He who is BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Strangedoggo / Via reddit.com

#17 This is how he likes to sleep.

GreyStingrayz / Via reddit.com

#18 This pupper who asks Alexa to play “Face Down, A** Up” when he’s alone

Jethole / Via reddit.com

#19 Sometimes he just puts himself in timeout for no reason.

mrgreatwhope / Via reddit.com

#20 The creation of… something

whiteniteee / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: pilarstol / reddit.com, alocacoc4 / reddit.com