#1 This very accomplished video game developer

Remember__Me / Via reddit.com

#2 This Puppy Bowl ruferee!!!

Wiggletails / Via reddit.com

#3 This sergeant woofer who eagerly participated in Take Your Dog To Work Day.

ItsZizk / Via reddit.com

#4 The very good and professional grocer who hopes you have a nice day

dog_rates / Via twitter.com

#5 This chonker who sniffs out diseased beehives for SCIENCE


#6 This neon-clad job site regular

AnnaMoGo / Via twitter.com

#7 Biscuit, National Trust’s official Staff Morale Officer

thecockmeister / Via reddit.com

#8 Met this good boi hard at work running my local skate shop

sharksaresogood / Via reddit.com

#9 A durian seller

GallowPlaceholder / Via reddit.com

#10 This fluffer nutter who single-handedly runs a very efficient inter-firm document delivery service

Dronesandwildsh*t / Via reddit.com

#11 This firefighter bb who just wants to give back to those who saved him!!!

dog_rates / Via twitter.com

#12 This wolfy salesman who sells many a dagger

claytrizzle / Via reddit.com

#13 This sleuthy boye who’s on the case

NBCNews / Via twitter.com

#14 These aquaboyes who urgently led their cattle out of the flood!!!

Working dogs leading their cattle out of the current flooding to higher ground in Far North Queensland – Australia
Chad_Chaddington / Via reddit.com

#15 This airport doggo who faithfully shoos birds from the runway

airportk9 / Via instagram.com

#16 Meet Duke. Honorary Mayor of Cormorant, Minnesota. He’s been re-elected 3 times!

Whitlow14 / Via reddit.com

And lastly, this caring comfort doggo who realizes we all need a little help sometimes.

jsavite / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: Remember__Me / reddit.com, thecockmeister / reddit.com