Monowi is a town of Nebraska that has a population of 1. The Mayor pays taxes to herself.

Monowi is a town of Nebraska that has a population of 1. The Mayor pays taxes to herself.

At its peak, the town had a whopping 150 residents, back in the 1930s, but since then the population has dwindled. As younger generations moved on to bigger cities, and fewer people moved from the coasts to the middle of the country, the population kept getting smaller and smaller until, during the 2000 census, the town was left with just two residents.

Elsie and her husband, Rudy, were the town’s only residents, until 2004, when Rudy died. Now, the town is Elsie’s and Elsie’s alone. As the only resident, she acts as mayor. Once a year, she hangs campaign posters, advertising a mayoral election, then votes for herself.
