#1 This designer whose fancy rugs look like they’ve been pooped on:

0xford_llama / Via reddit.com

#2 This interior designer who picked out this carpet for a STAIRWELL:

M3strefi / Via reddit.com

#3 This graphic designer who put a picture from 9/11 in a pizza restaurant collage:

Ouvolo / Via reddit.com

#4 This graphic designer who made it look like this woman is sh*tting water:

kronograf / Via reddit.com

#5 Whoever designed this bus stop for rainless days only:

NOLOCIMES / Via reddit.com

#6 This packaging designer who put plastic wrap on a book about…using less plastic:

Qudufy_Duck / Via reddit.com

#7 Whoever designed this very indirect sidewalk:

texturedpolygon / Via reddit.com

#8 Whoever designed this hoodie but forgot about the hood:

m_delacour / Via reddit.com

#9 Whoever designed this toilet seat to look like it was covered in pee:

dawidoxus / Via reddit.com

#10 Whoever designed this “clock” with zero regard for its actual use:

patchestheshark / Via reddit.com

#11 This graphic designer who gave a tooth genitals:

Dylflon / Via reddit.com

#12 Whoever designed this and thought it was OK:

GelatinSkeleton3 / Via reddit.com

#13 This furniture designer who found a way to make this bench totally useless:

Koekoeksklok88 / Via reddit.com

#14 This graphic designer who should never be allowed near Photoshop (or animals) ever again:

Labby92 / Via reddit.com

#15 Whoever designed this cup to poke people’s eyes out:

Audio5Nick / Via reddit.com

#16 And finally, this graphic designer whose wall art is actually impossible to read:

Bitemarkz / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: Qudufy_Duck / reddit.com, Bitemarkz / reddit.com