#1 Rose just wanted a recipe for creamed corn.
RCGNZR / Via reddit.com
#2 This older gentleman thought a Vice article was speaking straight to him.
berry_pitts / Via reddit.com
#3 Gary might have jinxed things with his “happy birthday” message to a friend.
pie101man / Via reddit.com
#4 This grandma used her Facebook status to make a very important statement.
nopenotamish / Via reddit.com
#5 This grandparent had a very unique Facebook system.
pm_me_all_ur_pelfies / Via reddit.com
#6 This grandparent just wanted to downloaf some songs.
oh-rosie-oh-girl / Via reddit.com
#7 Geraldine just wanted her granddaughter to be kind to Rihanna.
reddit / Via reddit.com
#8 This new user had to quit a Facebook group because it was keeping her up at night.
jimmyseashell / Via reddit.com
#9 Chuck struggled a bit with the speech-to-text function on his phone.
anonymouspipline / Via reddit.com
#10 Bill had some great recommended reading for anyone with the time.
#11 This grandmother apparently thought coconut oil would be the fix to everything.
Grace-Maree / Via reddit.com
#12 This aunt found a great way to keep in touch with her nephew via Messenger.
begeberg / Via reddit.com
#13 This grandma had a blunt answer to a fun lil’ question.
littleizrael / Via reddit.com
#14 Joan had only 6-8 weeks left until…who knows what.
jediwillsmith / Via reddit.com
#15 This Facebook Marketplace user might want to learn about the backspace key.
ewolamme / Via reddit.com
#16 This grandma might have picked the wrong background for her status.
pikadrew / Via reddit.com
#17 This grandpa had a rather strange reaction to the news of Stephen Hawking’s passing.
mazzikmagnar / Via reddit.com
#18 This grandma’s Facebook bio was a very interesting choice.
pringlecat221 / Via reddit.com
#19 Alison had a problem that Walmart NEEDED to know about.
space-milk / Via reddit.com
#20 Verle tried to wish her grandson a happy birthday, but ended up wishing Zac Efron one instead.
giantsfan36 / Via reddit.com
#21 …While this grandpa used a “happy birthday” message to deliver some bad news.
sgibbons746 / Via reddit.com
#22 And finally, this grandma had a rather unfortunate misspelling of “clematis.”
surrahh15 / Via reddit.com
More info: r/oldpeoplefacebook, H/T BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: pikadrew / reddit.com
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