21. I watered wax plants for 3 years thinking they were real and I kept them alive @tikishell

22. I once started a line outside a restroom thinking there was someone inside. Five minutes later, I opened the door and it was empty. @fgivory

23. At work I ran into a mannequin, apologized, then said ‘oh wait, I thought you were a person…Why am I still talking to you?’ @yaoifangirl09

24. I said “thank you” to an ATM once. @RookPaige

Me: *sitting on my couch watching tv*
*suddenly, randomly thinks*
I should put on my seat belt.
-___- @jackiieeee_

26. I thought Ellen DeGeneres was Ellen The Generous @PavlovDaDog

27. Got dressed for work in the dark one morning, went to work, got home and realized I wore my wife’s Chic jeans all day. @DarrenSloan1

28. when I was a kid I thought a serial killer killed people for their cereal @bits_of_sugar

29. I once texted my sister asking if she had seen my phone @mollyligonn

30. I genuinely believed that if you kissed a frog it would turn into a prince so I ended in the hospital for kissing a venomous toad. @edgatic

31. One time I tried to text my mom saying I wanted duck for dinner but I accidentally sent her a text saying “I want dick for dinner” @ohhaney

32. Always thought the waitress asked if I wanted a “Super Salad”. Caved and finally asked, they informed me they said “Soup or Salad” @bayers8

33. Up until my late teens, I thought “Alzheimer’s Disease” was called “Old Timers Disease”. It sounded the same and made sense. @TheRinster

34. When I was a kid I thought Olivia Newton John was 3 people. Olivia, Newt, and John. @updownside

35. I thought the AC/DC song You Shook Me All Night Long started with “she was a fax machine…” @LoCage

36. When I first started driving, I only filled up $19.59 out of $20 because I confused minutes and cents. This happened more than once @Rancetheman

37. When I first started driving, I only filled up $19.59 out of $20 because I confused minutes and cents. This happened more than once @Rancetheman

38. One year daylight savings came early. I asked my cousin, “But how does the sky know?” @mer1781

39. Sprinting to the bus stop, I tripped down a ramp. I saved myself by rolling to my feet–until I stepped on my scarf and fell again @FeelTheBern8

40. I saw the models of tents for sale at Walmart and said, “Those little tents are so cute! But what would you ever use them for?” @FioreCasey

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