#1 The fan of fine art:

daryldjxon / Via twitter.com

#2 This problem solver:


#3 The gentlest soul:

thetimeigothigh / Via twitter.com

#4 The most polite man out there:

duunk / Via twitter.com

#5 The Shakespeare of our generation:

boyswearmugler / Via twitter.com

#6 This crestfallen chips purchaser:

patricklenton / Via twitter.com

#7 The car snitch:

PrincessDONE / Via reddit.com

#8 The sandwich savant:

bagleopard / Via tumblr.com

#9 The dog lover:

klondikebrat / Via twitter.com

#10 The Christmas celebrater:

omghonxo / Via twitter.com

#11 The water bender:

icexqueen / Via twitter.com

#12 The pen waitress:

no_microagressions_ / Via reddit.com

#13 The walking king:

compoyo / Via tumblr.com

#14 The hungriest person alive:


#15 The sunglasses inside guy:

Iam_dhammi / Via twitter.com

#16 The edibles eater:

jdisblack / Via twitter.com

#17 The amateur artist:

coocookutchoo / Via twitter.com

#18 The airplane DJ:

AndreaRussett / Via twitter.com

#19 This master planner:

O-SugarHoneyIcedTea / Via reddit.com

#20 The slipper joke teller:

xxmdan / Via twitter.com

#21 The opposite man:

clxthebombshell / Via twitter.com

#22 The mountain climber:

animmalcrossing, xhannibalsmeat / Via tumblr.com

#23 The tallest person alive:

pimp, agentofkhaose / Via tumblr.com

#24 The burrito time traveler:

tigersgoroooar / Via twitter.com

#25 The regretful mattress purchaser:

bbnsaga / Via twitter.com

And this hotdog:

dj-pelu, coconutmilkyway / Via tumblr.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: onsizzle.com