The US Comedian Jimmy Fallon asked people to partake in his latest hashtag game called #TextFail.
I told my dad I was excited about getting paid on Friday, instead autocorrect told him I was getting laid on Friday… #textfail
— Yager (@YgrMstr) December 7, 2016
Thought I text my wife asking her what she was wearing…instead my buddy text me back saying "None of your business freak." #TextFail
— Mr truth (@Mr_truth13) December 7, 2016
Text my mom 2 grab super tampons, chocolate, & Midol at the store. Sent it 2 my boss, they were on my desk next day #TextFail @jimmyfallon
— Kelsey Coleman (@miss_chelseee) December 7, 2016
My friend text me that she ran a mile in under 12 minutes. Instead of replying "Wow you're fast!", I sent: "Wow you're fat!" #TextFail
— Justin Blankenship (@Padfoot93) December 7, 2016
Texted my hairdresser "call me when you have a sec." autocorrect made it "call me when you have sex." #TextFail
— K. (@kittykaresless) December 7, 2016
@jimmyfallon texted my boss and colleagues " won't be in, I'm sick today, regards" autocorrected "regards" to "retards". #textfail
— Greg Enwright (@gregenwright) December 7, 2016
I was trying to text my boss " Okaysies" after he told me finish a task and my phone changed it to " Okay die" #textfail
— Karina Escobar (@aasdfghjkarina) December 7, 2016
There was a period of time when my phone autocorrected 'leaving' to 'lesbian.' I kept texting people 'I'm lesbian now.' #TextFail
— Leah Scheer (@leeeeeaaah) December 7, 2016
I texted the wrong number trying to buy weed. The 4th time, they replied, "wrong number, but if you get weed, hit me up." #TextFail
— Hollyn Heron (@HollynHeron) December 7, 2016
My mom texted a parent to ask them about a peanut allergy, it autocorrected to "which one of your kids has a penis allergy" #TextFail
— Staci Rowenhorst (@Rowenhorsts) December 7, 2016
@jimmyfallon I once asked my friend if she needed me to buy some slaves for the office. It was supposed to say plates.#TextFail
— Dammit Erin (@Elm3c) December 7, 2016
My friend got a random "I love you" text from her mom. She thought it was sweet until her mom texted, "oops wrong person." #TextFail
— Caitlin Billman (@caitie_joy98) December 7, 2016
I've been saving this major #TextFail just for this @jimmyfallon
— sam (@srszew18) December 7, 2016
At a party, Had a friend send a mass text to everyone, "sorry Guys next time we won't bring Tony", I was in the Mass text too. #TextFail
— Tony Mac (@Tonymac84) December 7, 2016
@jimmyfallon dad texted my mom I love you and accidentally sent it to his entire contact list.. including his construction workers #TextFail
— Cass (@cassadilla1996) December 7, 2016
@jimmyfallon Replied to my dad with "IDK" he said what's IDK? When I said I don't know he asked "then why are you using it "? #TextFail
— Kris (@IFeelGr8) December 7, 2016
@jimmyfallon mass text 2my closest friends/fam who were descending upon Dallas for Thanksgiving "can't wait to see all your feces" #textfail
— Scotty Sea (@EmbrothicScotty) December 7, 2016
@jimmyfallon I texted 'I'm glad you shaved your mustache' to a female coworker instead of my male friend. @FallonTonight #TextFail
— Kerri Gray (@kerrikgray) December 7, 2016
@jimmyfallon wanted to text my new crush "you still owe me a kiss" but sent "you still owe me a kid." still no reply. :/ #TextFail
— Arlett (@lettiee_) December 7, 2016
Attempted to text a friend "I took five shots & I dedicated one to you". It took me 9 hours to realize I typed "5 sh*ts". #TextFail
— Jenn MacFadyen (@ehcanuckATC) December 7, 2016