1. The fear

_BlaineB / Via twitter.com

2. The memories

trinadahlgren / Via twitter.com

3. The kids table

iwearaonesie / Via twitter.com

4. The order of operations

xxv_xo / Via twitter.com

5. The seconds

scumcityceo / Via twitter.com

6. The horror

lindsay_fuce / Via twitter.com

7. The drama

gsheffr / Via twitter.com

8. The tough questions

Shaye_hazel / Via twitter.com

9. The day after


10. The very calm conversations

HuntPoindexter / Via twitter.com

11. The act

andiiiiiiii_ / Via twitter.com

12. The bombardment

stella_kent / Via twitter.com

13. The WIFI

simoncholland / Via twitter.com

14. The glory

GeorgeResch / Via twitter.com

15. The outfits

hhoncho_ / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: gsheffr / twitter