#1 These two were completely subtle and didn’t draw attention to themselves whatsoever

#2 This avid Peppa Pig fan

#3 This son simply offered a different perspective

#4 This daughter who’s a revolutionary in the making!!!!!!!!!!

#5 This kid was a master of stealth

DennistheBased / Via twitter.com

#6 This morbid, morbid child

#7 This daughter who did, indeed, have an “emergency”

#8 This son who’s smart and needed us to know

#9 This multi-Christmas advocate

#10 This future lawyer

#11 This kid who can’t seem to ~mask~ his love for fictional serial killers

#12 This daughter had an unsettling realization

#13 This kid posed what is a very pressing question in the youth community

#14 This future journalist who conducted quite the riveting interview with her cat

#15 This kid’s search history

#16 This lil’ prankster

#17 This kid reenforced her political agenda

#18 And lastly, this inspirational quote

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: GIZZZYO / twitter.com