#1 Arya to The Hound after spending months traveling together

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#2 Sansa to Jon when she’s telling him to not be like Robb

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#3 Sansa to Daenerys since she arrived at Winterfell

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#4 Arya confronting people on her list

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#5 Cersei to Euron when he tells her what he’s brought to help the fight

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#6 Cersei after strategically planning how she’ll reclaim the Throne

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#7 Daenerys to literally any of her enemies

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#8 Jaime to Brienne after she acknowledges he hasn’t once insulted her during their conversation

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#9 Sansa to Arya after she finds where she’s hidden her faces

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#10 Tyrion getting himself out of situations where he could have died

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#11 Arya to Gendry when she sees him wielding dragonstone weapons

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#12 Bran giving the bare minimum cryptic responses after arriving in Winterfell

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#13 Jon Snow to Melisandre after she raises him from the dead

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#14 Tyrion with his wine, sitting around waiting for the Battle of Winterfell to start

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#15 Sansa to Daenerys during their one-on-one conversation

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#16 The people of Winterfell seeing Daenerys’s dragons flying overhead for the first time

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#17 Greyworm to Missandei when he paints a picture of their future together

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#18 Lyanna Mormont to Jon Snow after he bent the knee to Daenerys

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#19 Ramsey to Theon once Theon is his prisoner

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#20 Tywin Lannister looking up at Jaime and Cersei from hell

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#21 Jon Snow to himself after he becomes the King in the North

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#22 Tyrion all the time

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#23 Cersei to literally anyone who has ever challenged her

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#24 Daenerys to The Seven Kingdoms in general

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#25 Everyone at Winterfell in Season 8, Episode 3

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Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: The Office / NBC