#1 When people don’t understand that it’s rarely the same thing for you

unknown / Via brightside.com

#2 When THESE interactions are the ones you don’t quite mind

UncleJessica / Via reddit.com

#3 Struggles of the socially awkward.

OhBollocks / Via imgur.com

#4 That seems long enough, doesn’t it?

introvertdear / Via instagram.com

#5 When you just don’t have it in you to confront people directly

XOR0sha2wine / Via twitter.com, brightside.me

#6 When you realize you should’ve just stayed home

sad.catto.hours / Via instagram.com

#7 Friend: “Why don’t you come hang out with us at the party tonight?” Me: “Sorry, I already made plans.” Me :

doubledan / Via imgur.com

#8 When there’s a large group present and you’re suddenly asked a question

crazycatlady304 / Via imgur.com

#9 When your friends finally convince you to go out but you’re happier staying in

vancityreynolds / Via instagram.com

#10 When your parents just can’t stop asking you to smile for photos you don’t want to be in

BigParanoidPenguin / Via imgur.com

#11 When you have only one best friend that you’re super comfortable being around

WaffleKid / Via imgur.com

#12 When this is literally you recharging after a stressful day of meeting people:


#13 This is too relatable.

LindsayLaman / Via twitter.com

#14 When you invite a friend home for courtesy’s sake but they actually agree to come

Photoshot / REPORTER / East News / brightside.me

#15 When no one cancels plans and you actually have to go out

kittysensations / Via instagram.com

#16 When someone is trying to invade your personal space

House / 21st Century Fox

#17 If we had a dollar for each time this happened…

ch000ch / Via twitter.com

#18 When someone tries to call you instead of texting

S1l3ntdr3ams / Via imgur.com

#19 This is just awkward times awkward.

HeartfeltMomma / Via twitter.com

#20 When people think you’re boring just because you’re quiet

theserenefactor / Via instagram.com

Via BrightSide, Preview photo credit: imgur.com, UncleJessica / reddit.com