Cows make more milk when listening rock band REM.

Cows make more milk when listening rock band REM.

Dairy cows produce more milk when listening to REM’s ‘Everybody Hurts’ or Beethoven’s ‘Pastoral Symphony’ than when subjected to Wonderstuff’s ‘Size of a Cow’ or the Beatles’ ‘Back In The USSR’ a new study by music research specialists at the University of Leicester has found. The 1,000 strong herds of Holstein Friesian cattle preferred listening to no music at all than being exposed to Mud’s ‘Tigerfeet’ or Bananarama’s ‘Venus’, the psychologists discovered.

Their milk yield rose by 0.73 litres per cow per day when they were exposed to slow music rather than fast music. The results revealed a three per cent increase in output when slow rather than fast music was played.

Also read: 30 Cool Cow Facts You Will Love
