I had a roommate who ate everything out of a frying pan – cake, pizza, soup, whatever. @jimmyfallon
1 time my roommate got drunk & filled our tub w/ jello. She said she wanted to feel like she was “back in the womb.” @KristenRose124
My roommate consistently slept with a stuffed polar bear named Poly on his face. @tannerfbowen
My roommate puts her shoes in her car the night before so she doesn’t walk out in the morning and forget to wear shoes @klaracee91
& had 2 pairs of underwear which she rotated weekly, hand washed, and hung in our shared bathroom @gray_kaycee
My roommate drank wine at 8am. She told me “grapes are fruit. Fruit is the best way to start your day.” @1andOnlyBMav
I had a roommate once that use to water her artificial flowers “just in case” @Tonymac84
My roommate once told me, “You know, most people wake up if they feel someone watching them sleep. But you don’t.” @BelleofBabble
Drew faces on all the eggs. Now when I open the fridge, the eggs are mad about it. @kittykaresless
My freshman roommate had B.O. so bad that I used to spray Febreze on him while he was sleeping. @timsennett
I had a roommate who had a dresser drawer specifically labeled “Ninja Clothes.” @AllieHundley
my assigned college roommate thought her Beta fish died of tuberculosis. She held a full Catholic funeral. @aChristinaStory
Came home once to hotdogs and cheese slices stapled to the bathroom wall, and them crying in the tub drinking coconut rum @Shoujogeek
One of my roommates freshman year wrote a mean girls style burn book to God about the other three of us and our sins @SaraHeilig
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