#1 This weather report explaining how to drive in the snow.

SorryImTexan / Via twitter.com

#2 These signs.

You know you’re in the south when the sweet tea is labeled “regular” instead of “sweet.”
emijra / Via reddit.com

#3 This is how we do tea in the south.

Invidian / Via reddit.com

#4 This grammar guide for out-of-towners.

drewtarvin / Via reddit.com

#5 This lesson in efficiency.

pennhead / Via reddit.com

#6 These wine pairing suggestions.


#7 This billboard in Alabama.

epgabel / Via instagram.com

#8 You know you’re in the South when…

ContentiousDelicious / Via reddit.com

#9 This soda, which all Southerners would call Coke anyway.

goldenchildgs / Via instagram.com

#10 This riding lawn mower.


#11 This breakfast special.

Brown Bag Special (10 pieces of bacon and 1 – 25oz Budweiser can)

#12 This lost-and-found email.

brittamus35 / Via twitter.com

#13 This totally normal road crossing.

TaylorkBarnes_ / Via twitter.com

#14 This morning commuter.

hayleybekah / Via twitter.com

#15 This airport full of rocking chairs.

StevieLynnJones / Via twitter.com

#16 This drive-thru make that, ride-thru customer.

dabble_on / Via instagram.com

#17 This sign.

Krissy012000 / Via twitter.com

#18 This beautiful still life.

whiskeyneat.hairmessy / Via instagram.com

#19 This store’s open hours.

amanda_marion / Via instagram.com

#20 This BBQ team name.


Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: epgabel / instagram.com, dabble_on / instagram.com