#1 The miracle of birth dad:

eraserheadbabby / Via twitter.com

#2 Went to my parents house today. My dad labeled his phone.

mcmilto / Via reddit.com

#3 The enthusiastic dad:

michellenguyn / Via twitter.com

#4 The dramatic dad:

harlz_ / Via twitter.com

#5 The group chat dad:

villan3w / Via twitter.com

#6 The sandwich dad:

My dad after realizing he ate half his sandwich with the wrapper on.
freepopper / Via reddit.com

#7 The Venmo dad:

Adamjacobbbb / Via twitter.com

#8 The panorama dad:

My dad trying to take Panoramic’s of me.
sc_x_cs / Via twitter.com

#9 The beekeeping dad:


#10 The vacuuming dad:

molly7anne / Via twitter.com

#11 The pun dad:

melaurale / Via twitter.com

#12 The artistic dad:

famousamos_12 / Via twitter.com

#13 The credit card dad:

roasted_weenie / Via twitter.com

#14 The meowing dad:

lookwhoshira / Via twitter.com

#15 The emailing dad:

icdadmoves / Via instagram.com

#16 The extension dad:

actuallynotevan / Via twitter.com

#17 The tough dad:

emmeline77 / Via twitter.com

#18 The green ball dad:

merestromb / Via twitter.com

#19 The ultimate dad:

anusking, elrondbaggins / Via tumblr.com

#20 The bath bomb dad:


Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: icdadmoves / instagram.com