Which Country Has the Highest Fertility Rate?
Women in Niger have an average of 7 children, the world's highest rate.
When Did Cartooning Start in Japan?
Cartooning in Japan began in the 12th century, and today more paper is used for comics than for toilet paper in that country.
The Artists Who Dine out on Their Reputation
Salvador Dali would avoid paying tabs by drawing on checks. The drawing would be too valuable to cash the check.
What is a Greenland Shark?
There's a shark in Greenland that eats polar bears and can live up to 200 years.
How Long is a Day on the Moon?
A full day on the moon, from one sunrise to the next, lasts about 29.5 Earth days on average.
How Often Married Couples Have Sex?
The average married couple has sex 68.5 times a year, which is slightly more than once a week.
What is the Largest Weight of a Lion?
With some males exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) in weight, the Lion is the second-largest living cat after the tiger.
What Events Happened on January 15 in History?
Want to learn some cool facts about what happened on January 15? Take a peek at our top picks of the day's happenings right here.
Engineers Fix Original Defects in the Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is probably the best known monument in the world and is a global symbol of freedom and democracy.
15 Moms Who Are Not Having Their Best Day
Mama said there'd be days like this...
20 Absolute Legends Who Deserve Your Admiration And Praise
There needs to be a Hall of Fame for these people.
The Most Embarrassing Thing a Family Member Has Done
I like cucumbers.
10 Not-So-Obvious Signs She Might Be Cheating On You
Pay attention.
20 Hilariously Painful Jokes That Only People Who Wear Glasses Will Understand
For all you people with perfect 20/20 vision, you’re lucky.
If a Person is Born Deaf, Which Language Do They Think In?
This is the same voice that I imagine people have when they read blocks of text and hear in their head.
20 Short People Problems Only Those Who Can’t Reach The Top Shelf Will Understand
Shorter people have it so much harder than tall people think.