How Much Gold Is Mined in the World?
The best estimates currently available suggest that around 208,874 tonnes of gold has been mined throughout history, of which around two-thirds has been mined since 1950.
Are There Living Things in One Teaspoon of Healthy Soil?
There are more living organisms in a teaspoonful of soil than there are people on earth.
How Loud Was the Krakatoa Eruption?
The Krakatoa volcanic eruption in 1883 produced the loudest sound in the world.
Did Incas Use Potatoes As a Measure of Time?
Today, Peruvians import processed potatoes — and use clocks to tell time.
What Events Happened on January 12 in History?
With so many incredible advancements falling on this day, keep reading!
British Tanks Double As Tea-making Facilities
All British armoured vehicles have some sort of water boiling vessel inside.
Right to Internet Access
The same rights people have offline must also be protected online.
15 People Who’ve Already Ruined 2019
Banned from the kitchen.
20+ Gullible People Who’ll Make You Shake Your Head And Say, “You Poor Thing”
New levels of naive.
14 Kids Who Will Make You Go, “Damn, You’re A Little Genius, Aren’t Cha?”
These kids are definitely going places.
30 Movie Facts That’ll Make Every ’00s Girl Say “Wait, I Never Knew That”
Rachel McAdams could've been Andy in The Devil Wears Prada.
16 People Who Will Make You Feel Personally Attacked
Just remember to breathe.
People Share Their Family’s Biggest Secret About Themslef
Your family will feel positively boring after reading this.
What Are Some of The Most Interesting Little-Known Things?
Do you know LV means?