1. My roommates only respond to passive agressive notes with personified household objects
makeachampion / Via reddit.com
2. This weekend my girlfriend, who lives 180 miles away, came to visit me. As you would expect, we got up to the horizontal shuffle. In the morning this note was passed under my door. I am thinking of having it framed.
3. Every load
Kittiemeow8 / Via reddit.com
4. This flowchart someone made to gently remind their roommates to do their dishes
onmyknees4batman / Via reddit.com
5. When roommates disagree
Z5555517 / Via reddit.com
6. This person who made a piece of toast into the angry bossy roommate
7. Roommate kept letting the toilet seat noisily drop after he was done. After multiple reminders, I left this note on the seat
JimboNasium / Via reddit.com
8. This “garbage can” that just wanted to be emptied out
9. Passive aggressive notes to my roommates to teach them about the importance of water and loneliness
mattferraro / Via twitter.com
10. This reminder that the toilet paper needs to be replaced
11. Roommate’s passive, aggressive response to late night mischief
michaelsharpe14 / Via imgur.com
12. My roommate’s passive-aggressive way of telling me i spend too much time on my computer
13. Passive-aggressive beverages
unknown / Via boredpanda.com
14. This person who is trying to prevent a roach infestation
15. My roommate is always leaving passive aggressive notes about what she does around the house. Thought I’d join in.
16. Passive aggressive roommate preparing for Valentines Day.
Jiminycricketmuncher / Via reddit.com
17. A month ago my roommate wrote me a passive aggressive note about doing the dishes. He never does the dishes.
duk-e / Via reddit.com
18. Caught
emzieees / Via reddit.com
19. My roommate put this on our fridge
pestoner / Via reddit.com
20. This person who made this apt comparison
H/T BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: Z5555517 / reddit