#1 Sometimes, Tumblr posts are funny on their own. A one-stop shop. But other times…

virge-of-a-breakdown / Via tumblr.com

#2 …the original post is given a boost by a really flippin’ funny response.

fckin-deactivated20171107 / Via tumblr.com

#3 It could be a reaction to an interesting fact…

pressxtodavid / Via tumblr.com

#4 …or a bit of a dialogue between two people…

awesomecuza, popop-maru / Via tumblr.com

#5 …or a riff that people keep picking up and running with.

partybarackisinthehousetonight, noifsandsorbees / Via tumblr.com

#6 A horrifying image could have an even more horrifying response.

ndiecity / Via tumblr.com

#7 Or a wholesome image could get even more wholesome.

growrotten, growrotten, growrotten / Via tumblr.com

#8 Occasionally, you might get a song stuck in your head.

sounddesignerjeans / Via tumblr.com

#9 Or you might read something and think, “Damn, it me.”

apricops / Via tumblr.com

#10 Sometimes, just a pic is all you need for a response that’ll make anyone cry-laugh.

turnipfritters / Via tumblr.com

#11 Or you can go with the sarcastic comment.


#12 Personally, I’m a fan of the ones that are possible misunderstandings, but it’s hard to tell because it’s also a really good joke.

danny-lohner, thephantomofthe-internet / Via tumblr.com

#13 But I’m also partial to a good old-fashioned pun.

gearstation / Via tumblr.com

#14 But the best ones really just paint a picture. They offer a mental image, ya know?

tilthat / Via tumblr.com

#15 Or they completely undercut the picture that was just painted.

soracities / Via tumblr.com

#16 Occasionally, you’ll read one that’ll pop into your brain later. I dare you to even look at a peanut now without thinking “heehoo peenut.”

iwilleatyourenglish / Via tumblr.com

#17 And I hope to god you can scrub the word “slunchy” from your brain.

prokopetz / Via tumblr.com

#18 Basically, I’m in awe of the dumb, brilliant, meme-tastic creativity on display. Well done, everyone.

sweaterviking / Via tumblr.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: Emilia Clarke, fckin-deactivated20171107