1. When you have to act like you care about the customer’s complaint

2. When you know the only thing in the stockroom is cobwebs and your broken spirit

3. When you spend an hour helping a customer and don’t even get the commission

4. When it should be clear that you’re not folding dozens of jeans onto a shelf for fun

5. When working the register feels like you’re on a sinking ship

6. When getting to the break room feels like you’re running a 40-yard dash

7. When your manager actually has your back (for once)

8. When you’re on “work mode” anytime you’re around strangers

9. When someone pulls this jerk move

10. When you’re literally just doing your job

11. When you realize you’re overworked and underappreciated (basically a daily occurrence)


12. When you feel like reminding them that you DON’T set the prices

13. When your work week starts on Friday

14. When you’re clearly too busy working

15. When a customer threatens to take their business elsewhere

16. When you’ve done everything but act it out in a three-act play

17. When the customer ~mistakes~ you for an automated checkout machine

18. When you hope that your manger realizes that you’re one employee, not three

19. When you know there is no point in trying to run the customer’s credit card again

20. When you wish you were keeping notes

21. When you hear the same joke about 30 times a day

22. When you haven’t even set foot in your job and you all ready know it’s going to a long day

23. When you get hit with the ultimate returns doozy

24. And finally, bracing yourself for the worst whenever someone making this face and sporting this hairstyle walks up to you