People Share Something They Never Have Done
Had a girlfriend.
What is The Most Pretentious Thing You Have Ever Seen Someone Do?
She said this to me in such a condescending, pretentious manner, and with such glee, that I could almost visualize the cruelty in her words, dripping forth in a green, frothy ooze from her vile mouth.
People Sharing Bravest Thing They Had Ever Done
Being a woman, I get stares, catcalls and groped on an almost daily basis.
What is Cruelest Thing That You Will Never Forget?
I will never, ever forget that day.
The Biggest Regret in Life
I regret taking parents love for granted.
What Experiences And Thoughts Often Come To Women With Hinyuu
Survey solicits sentiments of those with “impoverished breasts.”
What’s the nicest thing you’ve ever done that backfired?
I too have a list. But will mention the TOP 5!