18 Ways Toddlers Wreak Total Havoc On Their Parents’ Lives
Be afraid, be very afraid.
21 Hilariously Honest Parents Who Tweeted To Keep From Crying
"When my 10-year-old asks for something and I just give a huge sigh, she says, 'Yay!' because she knows she's already won."
16 Tweets About Parenting Advice That Are Hilarious If You Have Kids
"Unsolicited parenting advice? Yes, please!"
16 Moms Whose Day Is Going Great, Just Great
Motherhood is going just about as good as expected.
20+ Tweets About Kids That Prove They’re Hilarious Without Even Trying To Be
*immediately invests in Cheese Balm™*
21 Really, Really Funny Parents Who Are Definitely Hanging By A Thread
"Ways to piss off your child: Feed them. Bathe them. Clothe them. Breathe."
15 Parents Who Made Me Laugh Today Because Having Kids Is Rough
Is it messed up or genius that I taught my kids to sing a clean up song to the tune of 'My Neck, My Back'?
28 Parenting Tweets From 2019 That Have Been Funnier Than The Rest
"Kids are basically reverse Roombas."
21 Moms Who Hilariously Nailed Motherhood In A Single, Honest Tweet
"My kids' favorite place to go shopping for toys is the pile I just set aside for Goodwill."
Just 16 Really Pure Parents Who Will Make Your Day 200% Better
Dear parents, never, ever change.
18 Parents Who Will Make You Yell, “Their Kids Better Appreciate Them!!!”
These are some A+ parents right here.
16 Kids Who Are So Smart You’ll Kinda Hate Them
It's all fun and games until someone becomes a CEO.
18 Hilariously Broken Dads Who Have No Dignity Left
"Alexa, is there anyone my dad could beat up?"
15 Brothers And Sisters Who Are A Joy To Watch
"My brother plays dead when my mom yells at him."