What Is The Cutest Thing You’ve Ever Seen A Dog Do?
I just thought this was way too cute not to share!!!
What Is The Greatest Gift You’ve Ever Given Yourself?
I saved myself from multiple diseases due to obesity.
What Is Your Worst Ever Showering Experience?
My family had gone shopping for the day when I decided to jump in the shower.
What Does It Feel Like To Be Rich?
It's like everyone's life, no matter what your financial situation is, there are ups and downs. Different ups and downs, but ups and downs nonetheless.
What’s The Laziest Thing You’ve Ever Done?
I learnt how to type with my toes.
What Did Someone Do That Made You Think They Were Really Smart?
You might think that kids don’t understand much, but only until you get fooled by a 5-year-old.
Do Dogs Get Embarrassed?
They may not get embarrassed but they can act embarrassed.
If a Person is Born Deaf, Which Language Do They Think In?
This is the same voice that I imagine people have when they read blocks of text and hear in their head.
What Are Some Things That Programmers and Computer Scientists Know, But Most People Don’t?
Open Source doesn't mean anyone can edit the source code.
Do You Feel You’ve Ever Met an Angel or Alien and Didn’t Know It?
To this day I think that I encountered an angel, and I thank him for helping me out in a moment of need.
How Do People Get Rich?
1. You are born rich. 2. Marry someone rich. 3. Get very lucky. 4. Work very, very, very hard.
What Are Some of The Most Interesting Little-Known Things?
Do you know LV means?
What is The Most Valuable Quotes That You’ve Read or Heard in Your Life?
It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple.
What Is The Most Asshole Thing Your Cat Has Ever Done?
Do not be deceived by the apparent cuteness.
The Big Bang Theory: How can Penny, who works as a waitress, afford to drink wine every day?
Well, it's TV, so they don't worry about things like realistic finances.
What Are Questions That 5-Year-Olds Ask?
When will you come back? - Asked by almost every orphan kid when we spent couple of hours in a orphanage.