What is the craziest thing a parent has said in defense of their child?
As a teen, I was visiting at my boyfriend’s family’s home during a family holiday.
What is the single most revealing thing about any person?
Not something they can tell you, something you can observe.
What’s the most satisfying passive-aggressive thing you have ever done to a really mean or rude person?
It was kind of aggressive-aggressive, but bear with me.
What’s the creepiest thing you have heard a child say?
Man. Coming. Man. Coming...
What is the smartest thing your cat has ever done?
One of my cats was a genius.
What are the biggest facepalm moments you have ever experienced?
I needed my screen to be displayed in both the big monitors. How do you change the projector options to do that?
The strangest incident that’s happened on a commercial airline flight
My favorite is the infamous Gerard Finneran story.
Biggest culture shock suffered in Europe
These were some things that stood out on my first trips.
The biggest plot twist in life
A plot twist that happened in life, not an actual movie.
The difference between a font and a typeface
A typeface is the collective name of a family of related fonts, while fonts refer to the weights, widths and styles that constitute a typeface. Not all typefaces consist of multiple fonts however.
The things that Chinese people find strange about the West
There are things that are common in China that may seem strange to Westerners
The most embarrassing moment of life
This happened 2 years ago.
Some unethical life hacks
Some unethical life hacks. If you try this, be prepared for any consequence.
What Should You Do If You Are In A Plane That Is About To Crash In Minutes?
Follow the instructions of the flight attendants in their pre-landing briefing. Don’t waste your time taking video with your camera….
The most inspiring fact
Did you know that boiling water freezes faster than ambient temperature water?
What are useful social skills that can be picked up quickly?
Do not talk too much.