16 Tweets That Will Make You Rethink Everything
"Accents are just mouth fonts."
20 Shower Thoughts That Will Make You Think
A miniature epiphany that makes the mundane more interesting.
20+ “Harry Potter” Thoughts You Never Had Until You Were An Adult
In all seven books, Harry Potter only bathes once.
16 Things That Will Blow Your Mind Either A Little Or A Lot
"Holy shiiiiiiii..." —You, reading these
20+ Thoughts That Only Come From A High Brain
Do teeth have taste?
18 Things That’ll Make You See Things In A Different Way
The only part of your reflection you can lick is your tongue.
20+ Tweets That’ll Make You Question Everything
What if all the Ancient Greek sculptures are actually victims of Medusa?
Plumber Shares 10 Honest Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier
Fixing plumbing issues in your house is not an easy task, so to prevent disasters from happening you should always seek advice from a professional instead of trying to fix it all by yourself.
20 Genius Shower Thoughts That Will Make You Think
Social anxiety is basically Conspiracy Theories about yourself.
24 Genius Shower Thoughts That Will Make You Think
One of the best feelings in the world is having a 1 hour dream in a 10 minute nap.
10+ Genius Shower Thoughts That Will Make You Think
A child is the most expensive thing you can get for free.
15 Genius Shower Thoughts That Will Make You Think
Intelligent minds presume their own ignorance. Ignorant minds presume their own intelligence.
Conspiracy theories make dumb people feel smart.
How deep does this go?!
18 Profoundly Funny Scottish Tweets That Will Change Your Whole World View
Imagine if toast was A4 size.
20 Genius Shower Thoughts That Will Make You Think
Many people have some of their smartest and most creative ideas in the shower, as well as some of their most profoundly philosophical thoughts.