16 Hilariously Awkward Signs That Weren’t Proofread At All
Basically it was type, type, type...IMMEDIATELY print.
20 People Who REALLY Didn’t Think Things Through
*heaviest of sighs*
20 Signs That Make Absolutely Zero Sense
Shake my head.
20 Signs That Absolutely Positively Mean Something Else
*scratches head*
22 School Designs That Are Comically Bad, No Offense
How are these real?
20+ Hilarious Signs That Failed So Hard They Won
It's all you can eat at the Nasty Buffet.
18 Hilarious Fails That Can Make Your Entire Day
Laughter has a wonderful effect on your health, so try to keep it down to a mild giggle.
15 Designers Who Fantastically Failed At Their Jobs
Disasters in design.
20 Design Fails We Can’t Believe Actually Happened
Life is full of happy accidents.