#1 This Arby’s sign, which went up after somebody drove through their front windows

TotesOfGoats / Via reddit.com

#2 This clear misreading of a graph

2kittensinacup / Via tumblr.com

#3 This way-too-real response

prettybadlefty / Via twitter.com

#4 This not-so-subtle note

seriouslymytenth / Via reddit.com

#5 This “exhibit” that went up at the zoo during construction

MrBrianWeldon / Via reddit.com

#6 This very helpful response

bombing / Via tumblr.com

#7 These nicknames

corpish / Via tumblr.com

#8 This grocery store section, with a sign that reads “Russian cuisine”

Triseult / Via reddit.com

#9 This little note

Royaourt / Via reddit.com

#10 This punny response to a misspelling

officiallyk10 / Via twitter.com

#11 This series of pictures someone took in front of a warning sign

lodsm / Via reddit.com

#12 This ironic coloring job

clifflampe / Via reddit.com

#13 This mug, spotted in a doctor’s office

Screwdge_McDickens / Via reddit.com

#14 This devastating burn

royalmail / Via twitter.com

#15 This dessert, which a customer got after telling the waiter they wanted “nothing” for dessert


#16 These callout posts for the zodiac crowd

gluten-free-pussy / Via tumblr.com

#17 This emotional co-sign from Grampa

papasmurf61 / Via reddit.com

#18 This joke

knowyournewmeme / Via tumblr.com

#19 This heavily sarcastic no smoking sign

CarelesslyCubedCheez / Via reddit.com

#20 This regretful tweet

SEGA / Via twitter.com

And finally, this absolute masterclass in passive-aggressiveness

ChopsMagee / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: Royaourt / reddit.com, Screwdge_McDickens / reddit.com