Adult culture is…

#1 Never answering the phone
Adult culture is typing a number into google to see who’s calling you instead of answering
theirelad / Via

#2 Realizing how expensive peppers are
Adult culture is just walking around constantly astounded by how much everything costs.
rachiebret / Via

#3 Watching those exclamations
Adult email culture is ending every sentence with an exclamation point, then proofreading to see how many is socially acceptable to keep.
springrooove / Via

#4 Weighing the pros and cons of various grocery stores
Being an adult is having a favorite grocery store and having conversations about why it’s your favorite grocery store.
cat_m0m / Via

#5 Making tough chicken decisions

SwaGGTheRapper / Via

#6 Dealing with an avalanche
You’re not an adult until you have a cabinet full of Tupperware and every time you open it they all spill out and you can never find a matching lid for the one you want to use.
cowhitchurch / Via

#7 Finally getting into pulp
You’re not an adult until you like drinks with pulp
neek_at_nite / Via

#8 Having difficult conversations with yourself
I knew I was an adult when I had to have a “no, we got food at home” conversation with myself.
Blackkout__ / Via

#9 Hating the mail
I remember the way I used to get excited whenever I received a letter addressed to me when I was younger but every time I receive one now I think “fu*king what now”
lolzysz / Via

#10 Being betrayed by your body
Adult culture is getting a day off and still waking up at the same time your alarm usually goes off

#11 Always apologizing
Saying “sorry the place is a mess” when a guest enters your home despite the fact that you spent three hours making sure it’s immaculate prior to their visit is adult culture.
rileytresjolie / Via

#12 Getting PUMPED over kitchenware
Adult culture is getting excited over buying a pan
amanda_dorito / Via

#13 Losing excuses
Regretting you can no longer use « my mom said no » as an excuse when you don’t want to go out is adult culture
AErebuni / Via

#14 Playing this careful game
Adulthood is wanting to be invited but not wanting to go.
RamViccaji / Via

#15 Having bed options
Being an adult means not having your bed pushed up against a corner. That is literally the only criteria
BoyYeetsWorld / Via

#16 Understanding your mother
When you’re an adult and you forget to take the chicken out the freezer you really understand why your mom would be so mad
Ehidebamen / Via

#17 Texting at the crack of dawn
Adult culture is texting someone before 8am & actually receiving a reply
rach__kat / Via

#18 Having like 40,000 plastic bags in a designated plastic bag drawer

kiransingh / Via

#19 Playing Wake Up Roulette
I’m at a point in my life where I now wake up wondering every morning if I’m coming down with a cold or if this is just how I wake up now
WeeksJoseph / Via

#20 Getting really into email
I know i’m becoming a real adult because checking my email has become a crucial part of my social media morning routine
zawadiwsky / Via

#21 Having joyous conversations about gas prices
Your not an adult until you get excited about gas prices
notkelseya / Via

#22 Perfecting a morning routine
My morning routine includes 20 minutes of staring at the ceiling thinking about how tired I am and debating if I really need to adult today
letxthexERIN / Via

#23 But mostly adult culture is just winging it

a-beautifull-mess / Via

Just stay the course.

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: SwaGGTheRapper /