#1 A baby meets her dad for the first time

bigK24 / Via reddit.com

#2 Nothing can compare to the feeling of being adopted and finally have a family.

k8marie_ / Via reddit.com

#3 The joy of surfing for the first time

chingchongcheng84 / Via reddit.com

#4 She kicked the sh*t out of cancer.

xParadoxial / Via reddit.com

#5 Jumping can still bring joy, even when you’re not able to walk!

HDMemes / Via reddit.com

#6 Enjoying autumn knows no age.

polishprince76 / Via reddit.com

#7 Having Tom Hanks photobomb your wedding is priceless.

tomhanks / Via instagram.com

#8 My corgi, bringing joy to an elderly man who she met this morning.

corgimum / Via imgur.com

#9 “My dog graduated from puppy kindergarten.”

FluttersFTW / Via reddit.com

#10 Tinkerbell’s biggest fan!

SimpleReminders / Via reddit.com

#11 Walking using an exoskeleton for the first time

I’m a quadriplegic and I’ve been using exoskeleton recently. My physical therapist is holding me up so I don’t fall because usually I have a walker in front of me. Just recently walked 826 steps.
therickles / Via reddit.com

#12 The joy of snuggling up to daddy

doinmybest4now / Via reddit.com

#13 Greatest morning ever!

RIPJ4WZ / Via reddit.com

#14 The perks of having 2 dog sons!

Sztefuto / Via reddit.com

#15 A happy father holding his son who has heard his father for the first time in his life.


#16 A 101-year-old man enjoys landing at the London City Airport. Born before the invention of the airplane, he had never flown before.

Kevin Lamarque / Reuters

#17 This was how my grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.


#18 A pit bull and his tiny friend — is there anything more adorable?


#19 Meeting her little brother for the first time!

tgreek88 / Via reddit.com

#20 We don’t need much to feel happy!

Achoo_Gesundheit / Via reddit.com

#21 A student with Down syndrome was elected homecoming queen by her peers at my alma mater. This is what pure joy looks like.

holyeffman / Via reddit.com

#22 This little newcomer meets older rescues at Arthur’s Acres Sanctuary.

lnfinity / Via reddit.com

Via BrightSide, Preview photo credit: SimpleReminders / reddit.com