3 Mar 2017
Nintendo released Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the first fully open-world Zelda game.
3 Mar 2008
After recording for four years, Duffy released her debut studio album 'Rockferry.'
3 Mar 2005
Steve Fossett completed the first around the world airplane solo non-stop journey.
3 Mar 1997
Camila Cabello was born in Havana, Cuba.
3 Mar 1997
In Auckland, New Zealand, Sky Tower opened, making it the tallest free-standing building in the Southern Hemisphere.
3 Mar 1991
Los Angeles police brutally beat an unarmed Rodney King with batons up to 60 times.
3 Mar 1985
The U.K. miners' strike ends.
3 Mar 1980
The USS Nautilus, the world's first nuclear-powered submarine, was decommissioned in California.
3 Mar 1974
All 345 people on board a Turkish Airlines jet die as it plunges to the ground near Paris, France.
3 Mar 1969
NASA launched Apollo 9 crewed mission.
3 Mar 1956
Elvis Presley's 'Heartbreak Hotel' made it into Billboard's Top 100 pop chart.
3 Mar 1938
The world's fastest steam locomotive is built.
3 Mar 1934
The notorious John Dillinger used a wooden pistol to break out of prison.
3 Mar 1931
The US adopted the national anthem 'Star-Spangled Banner.'
3 Mar 1924
The last remnant of the Ottoman empire in Turkey is abolished.
3 Mar 1915
The US National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics was founded as an emergency measure during WWI.
3 Mar 1876
A field in Bath County, Kentucky, was showered by a steady rain of mystery meat. This became known as the Kentucky meat shower.
3 Mar 1845
Florida became the 27th state to join the United States of America.
3 Mar 1805
The previously known District of Louisiana became the Louisiana Territory.