4 Mar 2024
France became the first country in the world to include access to abortion in its constitution.
4 Mar 2022
The Batman, featuring lead actor Robert Pattinson, hit the box office in 4,217 locations in North America.
4 Mar 2020
Nik Wallenda became the first person to walk over the Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua.
4 Mar 2007
The world's first national internet election is held.
4 Mar 2001
A Real IRA car bomb exploded in front of the BBC's headquarters in London, injuring one person.
4 Mar 1986
The Soviet Union's Vega 1 Space Probe began sending back images of Halley's Comet.
4 Mar 1984
World tennis champion Martina Navratilova won her 74th match streak.
4 Mar 1980
Robert Mugabe becomes Zimbabwe's first black prime minister.
4 Mar 1977
The Vrancea earthquake claims over 1500 lives.
4 Mar 1975
The first People's Choice Awards aired on CBS.
4 Mar 1966
John Lennon made a controversial statement saying that the Beatles were 'more popular than Jesus.'
4 Mar 1922
The silent horror movie "Nosferatu" was released in Berlin, making it the first-ever vampire movie.
4 Mar 1918
The first documented cases of the Spanish flu herald a deadly worldwide pandemic.
4 Mar 1913
The United States Department of Labor was formed.
4 Mar 1909
William Howard Taft takes the oath of office, becoming the twenty-seventh President of the United States.
4 Mar 1881
Arthur takes office as vice president in the presidential administration of James Garfield.
4 Mar 1841
William Henry Harrison inaugurated as the ninth President of the United States.
4 Mar 1837
Martin Van Buren inaugurated as the 8th President of the United States.
4 Mar 1797
America's second president John Adams was inaugurated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
4 Mar 1791
Vermont became the 14th state to join the United States of America.
4 Mar 1789
The Senate convened for the first time after the new federal government was set up in the USA.
4 Mar 1789
The U.S. Constitution is put into effect.
4 Mar 1675
King Charles II appoints John Flamsteed to 'The Kings Astronomical Observator' – the first English Astronomer Royal, with an allowance of £100 a year.
4 Mar 1665
The Second Anglo-Dutch War began as England fought the Dutch republic for the control of seas and trade routes.
4 Mar 1522
Anne Boleyn made her first public appearance in court, where she took part in 'The Château Vert' pageant.