7 Sep 2006
Sacha Baron Cohen's mockumentary 'Borat' premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival.
7 Sep 1996
Rapper Tupac Shakur was shot four times in Las Vegas, Nevada, US.
7 Sep 1995
The STS-69 became the 100th successful crewed NASA spaceflight.
7 Sep 1978
Georgi Markov is murdered.
7 Sep 1977
U.S. agrees to transfer Panama Canal to Panama.
7 Sep 1944
The Great Atlantic hurricane formed and wreaked havoc for a whole week.
7 Sep 1940
The Blitz began.
7 Sep 1936
The Tasmanian Tiger becomes extinct.
7 Sep 1909
French aviator Eugène Lefebvre tragically died in an airplane crash, making this day the first-ever aviation fatality.
7 Sep 1888
Edith Eleanor McLean became the first baby ever to use an incubator.
7 Sep 1822
Dom Pedro I, the founder and first ruler of the empire of Brazil, declared Brazil's independence from Portugal.
7 Sep 1701
The Treaty of The Hague was signed between the German Empire, Great Britain, and The Netherlands.
7 Sep 1630
Boston, Massachusetts, was founded by Governor Winthrop.
7 Sep 1251 BC
A solar eclipse occurred, which is said to have marked the birth of the Greek legend Hercules.