27 Feb 2010
A massive earthquake strikes Chile.
12 Jan 2010
A 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti claimed 316,000 lives.
12 May 2008
More than 69,000 people lost their lives to a magnitude 8.0 earthquake in Sichuan, China.
29 Nov 2007
Martinique earthquake shook the majority of the Eastern Caribbean.
27 May 2006
The 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake occurred.
8 Jan 2006
A 6.7 magnitude earthquake shook the entire Eastern Mediterranean.
26 Dec 2004
A devastating tsunami and earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean.
13 Jan 2001
An earthquake devastates El Salvador.
30 May 1998
A magnitude 6.6 earthquake hit northern Afghanistan, which killed around 5,000 people.
26 Sep 1997
The Umbria and Marche earthquake occurred in Italy, killing 11 people and injuring 100.
17 Jan 1995
The Great Hanshin earthquake hits Kobe, Japan.
30 Sep 1993
The 6.4 magnitude Latur earthquake in India killed nearly 10,000 people.
12 Dec 1992
A 7.8 earthquake hit Flores Island in Indonesia, which caused an 82-foot tsunami, killing about 2,500 people.
28 Jun 1992
The third-strongest recorded earthquake in US history happened in Southern California.
29 Jun 1991
A 5.6 magnitude earthquake dubbed the 'Sierra Madre Earthquake' occurred in South California and caused around $40 million in damages.
7 Dec 1988
A 6.9 earthquake in Spitak, Armenia, killed 25,000-50,000 people and left up to 500,000 homeless.
19 Sep 1985
The Mexico City earthquake claimed the lives of up to 45,000 people.
16 Sep 1978
An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter Scale rocks the city of Tabas in Iran.
4 Mar 1977
The Vrancea earthquake claims over 1500 lives.
6 May 1976
A massive earthquake hits northeast Italy.
29 Nov 1975
A 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck Hawaii.
23 Dec 1972
A 6.25 magnitude earthquake destroyed central Managua, Nicaragua, killing about 10,000 people.
31 May 1970
A 7.9 magnitude earthquake hit the coast of Peru, killing as many as 70,000 people.
4 Jan 1970
A 7.1 magnitude Earthquake in Tonghai, China, claimed over 10,000 lives.
27 Mar 1964
A 9.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in Alaska.
22 May 1960
The most violent earthquake in recorded history hits Chile.
29 Feb 1960
A 5.8 magnitude earthquake in Agadir, Morocco, wiped out a third of the city's population.
18 Mar 1953
A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck Western Turkey, killing 1,070 people.
5 Aug 1949
The Ambato earthquake destroyed fifty towns in Ecuador and killed over 6,000 people.
27 Dec 1939
Between 20,000 and 40,000 people died in a magnitude eight earthquake in Erzincan, Turkey.
24 Jan 1939
Chillán earthquake killed approximately 28,000 people.
2 Mar 1933
An 8.4 magnitude Sanriku Earthquake and tsunami rocked Japan.
3 Feb 1931
New Zealand suffered its most fatal natural disaster in history during the Hawke's Bay Earthquake.
1 Sep 1923
The Great Kantō earthquake struck Japan.
13 Jan 1915
Avezzano earthquake claimed 30,000 lives in Italy.
18 Apr 1906
A devastating earthquake in San Francisco destroyed over 80% of the city.
4 Apr 1905
The Kangra earthquake in India killed over 20,000 people.
31 Aug 1886
The Charleston earthquake occurred, making it one of the most devastating to affect the US East Coast.
13 Aug 1868
The Arica earthquake occurred in Peru and Ecuador.
16 Apr 1854
An earthquake destroyed the city of San Salvador.
17 Nov 1837
An earthquake struck Valdivia, south-central Chile, which caused a tsunami that damaged Hawaii, French Polynesia, and Japan.
26 Mar 1812
Up to 20,000 people were killed in an earthquake in Caracas, Venezuela.
29 Sep 1717
Antigua, Guatemala, was struck by a 7.4 magnitude earthquake.
25 Nov 1667
A fatal earthquake killed 80,000 people near the city of Shamakhi, Azerbaijan.
6 Apr 1580
England, Flanders, and Northern France experienced one of the most severe earthquakes in recorded history.
23 Jan 1556
The most deadly earthquake in history was recorded in China in Shaanxi's province.
26 Jan 1531
Thirty thousand lives were lost after a major earthquake shook Lisbon.
10 Sep 1509
An earthquake known as 'The Lesser Judgment Day' hit Constantinople.
18 Oct 1356
An earthquake destroyed the town of Basel, Switzerland.
11 Oct 1138
The Aleppo, Syria earthquake occurred and was one of the deadliest in history, killing around 230,000 Syrians.