4 Jun 1973
Trio inventors were granted the patent to the ATM.
2 Oct 1965
A team of scientists invented the sports drink Gatorade in a University of Florida lab.
22 Mar 1960
Arthur Schawlow & Charles Townes was granted the first patent for a laser.
28 Jan 1958
A patent was received for Ole Kirk Christiansen's LEGO plastic bricks.
13 Sep 1955
Swiss engineer George de Mestral patented velcro.
18 Jan 1951
The lie detector, invented in 1921 by John Augustus Larson, was first used in the Netherlands.
6 Jul 1947
The Soviet Union started mass producing the AK-47 assault rifle.
8 Oct 1945
Inventor Percy L. Spencer patented the Microwave Oven.
6 Mar 1945
A circus performer patented the modern trampoline.
13 Jan 1942
Industrialist Henry Ford's method to construct auto bodies from plastic was patented.
22 Oct 1938
Inventor Chester Carlson created the first Xerox image.
26 Feb 1935
Robert Watson-Watt demonstrated radar in Slough, England, UK.
2 Feb 1935
A polygraph test was conducted by its inventor, Leonarde Keeler, for the first time.
9 Jun 1931
Robert Goddard was granted a patent for the rocket-powered aircraft.
23 Sep 1930
Johannes Ostermeier patented the flashbulb for cameras.
13 Dec 1928
The clip-on tie was designed.
7 Jul 1928
The world celebrated the introduction of sliced bread for the first time.
3 Jul 1928
Scotsman John Logie Baird demonstrated the color television transmission in London for the first time.
22 Nov 1927
Carl J.E. Eliason, from Sayner, Wisconsin, was awarded his patent for the 'motor toboggan,' the world's first motorized snow vehicle.
26 Jan 1926
Scottish inventor John Logie Baird changed the world of communication and entertainment forever when he demonstrated television for the first time.
27 Oct 1925
Inventor Fred Waller patented the aquaplane, which would become water skis.
13 Oct 1914
The Safety Hood, which would later become the gas mask, was patented by Garrett Morgan.
14 Jul 1914
A patent was granted to Robert Goddard for a liquid-filled rocket.
3 Dec 1910
Neon lighting was first demonstrated at the Paris Motor Show by Georges Claude.
9 Aug 1910
Engineer Alva J. Fisher patented the electric washing machine.
7 Dec 1909
Inventor Leo Baekeland patented the first thermosetting plastic, Bakelite, which sparked the birth of the plastics industry.
12 May 1908
After encountering many difficulties, Nathan Stubblefield was finally granted a US patent for his new version of a wireless telephone.
22 May 1906
The Wright Brothers were granted a patent for their 'flying machine' after applying for it three years earlier.
2 Jan 1906
A patent was awarded to Willis Carrier, which gave us the world’s first Air Conditioner.
15 Nov 1904
American businessman King Camp Gillette was granted his patent for the safety razor.
17 Jul 1902
Willis Carrier invented the world's first electronic air conditioner.
30 Nov 1900
Thomas Gibson and James Mcgrath patented a steerable sled.
10 Oct 1899
Isaac R. Johnson received his patent for the bicycle frame.
9 May 1899
John Burr patented a better rotary blade lawn mower, designed with traction wheels and a rotary blade that would not easily get stuck with grass clipping.
14 Mar 1899
German inventor Ferdinand von Zeppelin granted a patent for the navigable balloon.
23 Nov 1897
J. L. Love patented his pencil sharpener in the US.
31 Aug 1897
The first movie projector, correctly named the kinetoscope, was patented by Thomas Edison.
17 Aug 1897
William B. Purvis patented the electric switch on railways that would shut off the electric supply after carriages pass the contact device.
20 Aug 1896
The Erickson Brothers submitted the application for the first dial telephone patent.
11 Aug 1896
Inventor Harvey Hubbell patented the popular light bulb with a pull chain.
2 Jun 1896
Inventor and electrical engineer Guglielmo Marconi applied for the patents for the radio.
31 Dec 1895
American inventor Ogden Bolton Jr. patented the first electric-powered bicycle.
19 Nov 1895
Inventor Frederick E. Blaisdell patented the pencil in the US.
5 Nov 1895
George B. Selden was granted the patent for a gasoline internal combustion engine car.
27 May 1895
Birt Acres, a British inventor, patented the film camera/projector.
30 Oct 1894
Inventor Daniel Cooper patented the first time clock in the US.
26 Jun 1894
Karl Benz patented the gasoline-operated motor car.
6 Feb 1894
William Painter secured a patent for the capped bottle opener.
11 Nov 1890
Daniel McCree patented the portable fire escape in the US.
13 Aug 1889
Inventor William Gray received a patent for creating the telephone that uses coins to operate it.