17 Oct 1888
Thomas Edison filed his patent for the Optical Phonograph.
4 Sep 1888
Inventor George Eastman patented camera shutters and trademarked the name 'Kodak.'
7 Aug 1888
American inventor Theophilus Van Kannel was granted the patent for the revolving door.
24 Nov 1887
George Hancock, who invented softball, played the first match in Chicago.
11 Oct 1887
Alexander Miles patented the automatic opening and closing elevator.
5 Sep 1885
Sylvanus Bowser's invention of the gasoline pump was delivered to a dealer in Fort Wayne, Indiana, US.
29 May 1885
Jan Matzeliger gave a public demonstration about his shoe-producing invention in Lynn, Massachusetts.
25 Nov 1884
John B. Meyenberg from St. Louis, Missouri, patented powdered milk.
14 Oct 1884
Inventor George Eastman patented his 35mm photographic film in the US.
6 Jun 1882
Henry W. Seely patented the electric iron in the US.
27 Jan 1880
A patent for his electric lamp invention was given to Thomas Edison.
23 Sep 1879
Inventor Richard Rhodes received the patent for a hearing aid.
8 May 1879
George Selden filed for the first patent for a gasoline-driven automobile.
19 Feb 1878
Thomas Edison received a patent for his new invention, the phonograph.
29 Nov 1877
Thomas Edison demonstrated his hand-cranked phonograph for the first time.
12 Aug 1877
Thomas Edison completed his first model of a phonograph.
13 Mar 1877
Earmuffs were patented.
14 Feb 1876
Alexander Graham Bell applied for a patent for the telephone.
11 Aug 1874
Henry S. Parmalee patented the fire sprinkler system.
20 May 1873
Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patented the first blue jeans with copper rivets.
14 Jan 1873
Inventor John Hyatt registered cellulose nitrate (celluloid) as a trademark.
17 Sep 1872
Inventor Phillip W Pratt obtained the patent for his sprinkler system designed to extinguish fires.
26 Mar 1872
Thomas J Martin patented the fire extinguisher.
21 Nov 1871
Inventor Moses F Gale patented the cigar lighter in the US.
8 Jun 1869
The sweeping machine (vacuum cleaner) was patented in Chicago, US, by Ives W. McGaffey.
13 Apr 1869
George Westinghouse Jr. patented steam power brake devices in the US.
5 Mar 1868
The world's favorite paper joiner, the stapler was patented by C. H. Gould in England.
26 Nov 1867
J.B. Sutherland from Detroit patented refrigerated railroad cars.
25 Jun 1867
Barbed wire was patented by Lucien B Smith in Ohio, US.
20 Nov 1866
French inventor Pierre Lallement was awarded his patent for a pedal bicycle.
26 Dec 1865
James H Mason patented the first US coffee percolator.
10 Feb 1863
The first US fire extinguisher patent was granted to Alanson Crane, Virginia.
15 Jan 1861
Inventor Elisha Otis acquired a patent for a steam engine for elevators.
9 Aug 1859
Inventor Otis Tufts patented the first elevator in the US.
26 Oct 1858
Inventor Hamilton Smith received his patent for his rotary washing machine.
30 Mar 1858
Hyman Lipman patented the pencil with an eraser on top.
29 Aug 1854
Daniel Halladay patented the self-governing windmill.
25 Jul 1854
The plastic shirt collar was patented in the US by Walter Hunt.
24 Aug 1853
The first recorded potato chip was created by chef George Crum in Saratoga Springs, New York.
11 Nov 1851
Inventor Alan Clark was granted his patent for the telescope.
12 Aug 1851
Isaac Singer was granted his patent for a commercial sewing machine.
2 Jul 1850
Inventor Benjamin J. Lane patented the first self-contained gas mask.
22 May 1849
Abraham Lincoln received a patent for a device that would lift a boat over shoals and obstructions.
10 Apr 1849
Walter Hunt patented the safety pin.
10 Sep 1846
Inventor Elias Howe was awarded the patent for the lockstitch sewing machine.
9 Nov 1842
George Bruce received the first US design patents for typefaces and bordering.
31 Aug 1842
Micah Rugg patented a machine for dressing bolt heads.
21 Feb 1842
The first sewing machine was patented in the US.
21 Aug 1841
John Hampton patented the Venetian blind.
20 Jun 1840
Samuel Morse was granted the patents for his telegraph.