19 Sep 1838
Ephraim Morris patented the car brake for railroads.
25 Feb 1836
Samuel Colt patented the multi-shot revolving cylinder gun.
17 Aug 1835
Solymon Merrick patented the wrench tool.
13 Jul 1835
Swedish-American inventor John Ericsson patented the screw propeller design.
21 Jun 1834
Cyrus McCormick patented the reaping machine.
14 Jun 1834
Isaac Fischer Jr. patented sandpaper in Springfield, Vermont, US.
14 Jun 1834
Leonard Norcross was granted the first US patent for an underwater diving suit.
23 Jul 1829
Inventor William Austin Burt patented the typographer, also known as the typewriter in the US.
7 Apr 1827
Englishman John Walker invented modern-day wooden matches that create a flame through friction.
27 Nov 1826
British pharmacist John Walker invented the matchstick by accident.
8 Jun 1824
Noah Cushing patented the washing machine in Quebec, Canada.
5 May 1809
Mary Kies became the first woman ever to acquire a patent.
11 Feb 1809
A steamboat patent was granted to the American engineer and inventor Robert Fulton.
9 Aug 1803
Inventor Robert Fulton tested his 66-foot long boat on River Seine in Paris, France.
14 Mar 1794
American inventor Eli Whitney was granted a patent for a ground-breaking new type of cotton gin.
2 Aug 1791
Samuel Briggs and his son patented his nail-making machine.
31 Jul 1790
Samuel Hopkins was awarded the first US patent.
27 Mar 1790
Harvey Kennedy patented the modern shoelace, which included aglet reinforced tips.
1 Feb 1788
Isaac Briggs & William Longstreet was awarded a patent for the first steamboat in the US.
23 May 1785
Benjamin Franklin announced his invention of bifocal eyeglasses.
29 Nov 1775
Amateur British chemist Sir James Jay invented invisible ink.
8 Apr 1766
The first idea of a fire escape was patented.
11 Jun 1742
American leading figure Benjamin Franklin created the Franklin Stove.
25 Nov 1715
The UK approved the first American patent.
2 Jul 1698
Inventor Thomas Savery patented the first steam engine in England.
14 Jan 1690
The clarinet was invented in Nuremberg, Germany, by Johann Christoph Denner.
4 Oct 1675
The pocket watch patent was awarded to Dutch mathematician and scientist Christiaan Huygens.
3 Jan 1496
Leonardo da Vinci unsuccessfully tried to fly his famous Flying Machine invention for the first time.
24 Aug 1456
The first printing of the Gutenberg Bible was completed.