25 Apr 1985
Germany banned the denial of Nazi genocide against Jewish people during the Holocaust.
9 May 1979
Iranian Jewish businessman Habib Elghanian is executed.
24 Sep 1950
Almost 50,000 Jews were transported to Israel, known as Operation Magic Carpet.
23 Feb 1947
US General Eisenhower bid to raise $170 million in aid to help European Jews.
14 Apr 1944
5,200 Jews from Athens arrived at Auschwitz.
19 Apr 1943
The Warsaw Uprising involved Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto resisting Nazi Germany during WWII.
13 Mar 1943
German troops liquidate the Jewish ghetto in Kraków.
27 Feb 1943
Non-violent protests in Berlin prevent the deportation of 2000 jews.
22 Jul 1942
300,000 Jews from a ghetto in Warsaw were deported and executed by Nazi rule.
20 Jan 1942
Nazi officials meet to organize the extermination of Jews.
12 Nov 1941
Adolf Hitler declared the imminent extermination of the Jews at a meeting in the Reich Chancellery.
15 Oct 1941
Hitler declared that all of Germany's Jews must be relocated, and Polish Jews found outside of their ghettos would be shot on sight.
29 Sep 1941
Babi Yar massacre begins.
1 Sep 1941
Jews in Germany over six years old were forced to wear the yellow star of David.
9 Nov 1938
Nazis launch Kristallnacht.
28 Oct 1938
Germany expels Polish Jews.
2 Nov 1917
Balfour Declaration letter written.
11 Apr 1909
Sixty-six Jewish families founded the City of Tel Aviv.
22 May 1799
Napoleon stated his support of re-establishing Jerusalem for Jews.
26 Jan 1531
Thirty thousand lives were lost after a major earthquake shook Lisbon.
10 Apr 1516
The world's first Jewish ghetto was established in Venice, Italy.
17 Sep 1394
King Charles VI of France suddenly declared that no Jew may live under his rule, following complaints from Christians in France.
21 Mar 1349
Between 100 and 3000 Jews were killed in riots in The Erfurt Massacre in the town of Erfurt, Germany.
14 Feb 1349
Hundreds of Jews in Strasbourg, France, were publicly burnt to death.
9 Jan 1349
During the Black Death persecutions, 700 Jews were burned alive in their own homes in Basel, Netherlands.
6 Jul 1348
Pope Clement VI issued two papal bulls stating that Jews were not to blame for the Black Death.
18 Jul 1290
King Edward I of England decreed that all Jews must leave the country by November.
17 Nov 1278
All of London's Jews (approx. 680) were accused and arrested for coin clipping and counterfeiting.
19 Aug 1263
All local Jews had to submit their books through King James I to be investigated.
1 Nov 1210
King John of England taxed all of England's Jews for 66,000 Francs and imprisoned those who couldn't pay.
18 May 1096
The Worms massacre began.