20 Feb 2016
A John Lennon fan bought a lock of his hair for $35,000 at an auction in Dallas, Texas, USA.
9 Oct 1990
One thousand radio stations from over 100 countries around the world simultaneously broadcast John Lennon's 'Imagine' in honor of what would have been his 50th birthday.
21 Mar 1984
Central Park designated a section of its grounds as 'Strawberry Fields' to commemorate John Lennon, who was shot dead in his nearby residence.
24 Aug 1981
Mark David Chapman was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison for murdering John Lennon.
22 Jun 1981
Mark David Chapman pleaded guilty to the murder of John Lennon in New York.
14 Dec 1980
At 2 PM EST, there was a 10 minute moment of silence in memory of John Lennon.
8 Dec 1980
John Lennon had his last professional photoshoot.
18 Apr 1975
John Lennon sang 'Stand by Me' at his last ever solo live performance.
4 Oct 1974
John Lennon's album 'Walls and Bridges' was released in the US.
17 Jul 1974
John Lennon was given 60 days to leave the US.
23 Mar 1973
John Lennon's wife, Yoko Ono, was granted permanent residence in the United States.
16 Mar 1972
John Lennon and Yoko Ono were served deportation papers for overstaying in the US.
4 Feb 1972
The former United States Senator Strom Thurmond sent a secret memo to President Richard Nixon's aide, saying John Lennon should be deported.
9 Sep 1971
John Lennon released his second album, 'Imagine.'
8 Sep 1971
John Lennon's most iconic hit, 'Imagine,' was released in the UK.
3 Sep 1971
John Lennon and Yoko Ono left the UK and headed to New York City, US.
10 Apr 1970
Paul McCartney announced he would leave The Beatles.
20 Mar 1969
John Lennon and Yoko Ono marry.
15 Jun 1968
John Lennon and Yoko Ono planted acorns for world peace after also mailing acorns to many world leaders to do the same.
31 Jul 1966
Christians burned Beatles records because of John Lennon's negative comments about Jesus.
4 Mar 1966
John Lennon made a controversial statement saying that the Beatles were 'more popular than Jesus.'
7 Feb 1964
Beatlemania arrived in the United States when the Beatles landed in New York.
6 Jul 1957
John Lennon and Paul McCartney met for the first time at a church dinner party.