3 Aug 2001
George W. Bush renewed the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA) for an additional five years.
21 May 2001
French Taubira law officially recognized the Atlantic slave trade and slavery as crimes against humanity.
26 May 1998
The United States Supreme Court ruled that Ellis Island is primarily located in the state of New Jersey and not New York like many think it does.
16 Mar 1995
Mississippi formally ratified the Thirteenth Amendment and became the last state to approve the abolition of slavery.
19 May 1992
The 27th Amendment was ratified.
10 Jan 1990
China lifted martial law.
21 Jun 1989
Burning the US flag was deemed legal.
17 Jul 1984
The US National Minimum Drinking Age Act was signed into law, raising the age to 21.
15 Jun 1982
The US Supreme Court ruled that school is for everyone and banned discrimination based on citizenship.
27 Mar 1979
US Supreme Court ruled 8-1 that police can't stop cars just to check the driver and their registration.
20 Oct 1975
The US Supreme Court ruled to allow teachers to spank students even against their parent's wishes.
28 Dec 1973
President Richard Nixon signed the US Endangered Species Act into law.
27 Jan 1973
The Vietnam War officially ended, for the US at least, after the Paris Peace Accords were signed.
12 Mar 1970
The legal age required for voting in the USA was reduced to 18.
11 Apr 1968
The Civil Rights Act was enacted in the US after being signed by President Lyndon B.
12 Jun 1967
The US Supreme Court ruled interracial marriage legal.
27 Jan 1967
The Outer Space Treaty was signed to prevent the use of nuclear weapons being utilized in space.
9 Sep 1966
President Lyndon B signed the National Traffic and Motor Safety Act, which set new standards for vehicles and drivers.
13 Jun 1966
US Supreme Court declared the start of informing potential criminals of their rights. These became known as the Miranda rights.
6 Aug 1965
US President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, which was introduced to stop voting discrimination against minority groups.
2 Jul 1964
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law by US President Lyndon B. Johnson.
29 Mar 1961
The 23rd Amendment was ratified, allowing residents of Washington, DC to vote in US elections.
6 May 1960
United States President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1960.
29 Jul 1958
President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, which became NASA.
8 Jun 1953
The United States Supreme Court ruled that restaurants in Washington, DC, could not refuse to serve Black patrons.
27 Feb 1951
The twenty-second amendment to the US Constitution was ratified.
1 Oct 1948
Supreme Court ruled bans on interracial marriage unconstitutional.
26 Jul 1947
President Harry Truman signed the National Security Act.
3 Jun 1946
The United States Supreme Court declared that it was unlawful to discriminate in interstate travel.
12 Mar 1945
Anti-Discrimination Bill was signed in New York, US.
17 May 1938
The Naval Act of 1938 passed in United States legislation.
14 Aug 1935
Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, creating a government pension system for the retired.
28 Jan 1935
Law No. 38 in Iceland was approved, making abortion legal.
18 May 1933
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Tennessee Valley Act to build dams.
28 Feb 1933
President Hindenburg issued the Reichstag Fire Decree.
15 Jul 1932
US President Herbert Hoover slashed his salary by 20% and his cabinet members by 15% due to the Economic Act signed on June 30, 1932.
18 Oct 1929
Canada legally declared women as 'persons.'
27 Jul 1929
The Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War was signed in Geneva, Switzerland.
10 Jul 1925
The Scopes Monkey Trial took place in Dayton, Tennessee.
2 Jun 1924
The Indian Citizenship Act was signed into law.
26 Aug 1920
The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was certified, giving women the right to vote.
19 Mar 1918
The Standard Time Act was signed into US law, introducing Daylight Saving Time.
18 May 1917
The US Congress passed Selective Service Act.
27 Jan 1916
The UK Parliament passed the Military Service Act of 1916, introducing conscription in the UK.
8 Aug 1914
The Defence of the Realm Act was introduced in Britain.
25 Feb 1913
The 16th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified.
17 Feb 1913
Oregon became the first US state to pass a minimum wage law.
30 Jun 1906
The United States Congress passed the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act.
9 Dec 1905
The French parliament passed a law that fully separated all activities of the church and the state.
15 Feb 1879
US President Rutherford B. Hayes signed a bill allowing female attorneys to argue cases before the Supreme Court.