14 Jan 1878
Segregation of races on public transport became illegal as ruled by US Supreme Court.
15 Aug 1876
The Indian Appropriations Act added the sell or starve clause.
18 Jul 1872
The Ballot Act was passed in Great Britain.
1 Mar 1872
The Yellowstone National Park Protection Act went into law, making it the first National Park in the world.
8 Jul 1870
The US Federal Trademark Act began, which allowed authorization of Trademarks.
31 May 1870
Congress passed the Enforcement Act.
28 Jul 1868
The United States ratified the 14th Amendment to allow former slaves citizenship in the US.
20 May 1862
President Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Acts into law.
1 Mar 1847
The Death Penalty was abolished in the state of Michigan, except for treason.
29 Dec 1835
The Treaty of New Echota was signed.
30 Jun 1834
The US government passed the Indian Trade and Intercourse Act.
28 Aug 1833
The Slave Abolition Act was passed and came into effect the following year on August 1.
22 Jul 1833
The British House of Commons passed the Slavery Abolition Act.
28 May 1830
US President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act.
24 Feb 1803
The US Supreme Court ruled it would be the final interpreter of all constitutional issues.
28 Mar 1801
The Treaty of Florence was signed, which ended the war between the French Republic and the Kingdom of Naples.
7 Nov 1800
Paris barred women from legally wearing pants.
7 Feb 1795
The 11th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified.
12 Feb 1793
The return of escaped slaves in the US became compulsory after congress introduced the fugitive slave law.
31 May 1790
The Copyright Act of 1790 became the first federal copyright act to be established in the United States.
24 Sep 1789
The United States Congress passed the Judiciary Act.
13 Jul 1787
The Northwest Ordinance was enacted; it is considered one of the most important legislative acts that the Confederation Congress of the US passed.
10 May 1773
The parliament of Great Britain passed the Tea Act, a piece of legislation that ultimately led to the Boston Tea Party.
27 Apr 1773
Britain implemented a Tea Act against its American colonies.
17 May 1733
Great Britain passed the Molasses Act.
10 Apr 1710
The Statute of Anne became the UK's first copyright law.
1 May 1707
The Acts of Union were passed, officially uniting England and Scotland as one country.
27 May 1679
The Habeas Corpus Act passed.
20 Sep 1664
Maryland passed its first anti-amalgamation law.
3 Nov 1534
The parliament of England passed the first Act of Supremacy, granting the monarch complete control of the Church of England.
27 Dec 1512
Spain decreed the Laws of Burgos, the first set of laws that attempted to govern Spaniards abroad in the Americas.