1 May 2009
Same-sex marriage was legalized in Sweden.
15 May 2008
The California Supreme Court ruled that the state ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional.
30 Jun 2005
Spain legalized same-sex marriage.
1 Feb 2005
The Civil Marriage Act was introduced, making same-sex marriage legal in Canada.
17 May 2004
Massachusetts became the first US state to legalize same-sex marriage.
18 Nov 2003
The UK's repealed anti-gay amendment, Section 28, came to a complete end in the UK.
3 Aug 2003
The Anglican Church of America approved a gay bishop.
7 Oct 1998
A gay student, Matthew Shepard, was brutally beaten and left to die in Wyoming, US.
13 Jan 1998
Alfredo Ormando set himself on fire in St. Peter's Square, protesting against the Roman Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality.
28 Aug 1994
Tokyo celebrated the country's first LGBTQ+ pride parade.
29 Feb 1988
Svend Robinson became the first Canadian MP to come out of the closet publicly.
11 Oct 1987
Around 200,000 people marched through Washington, D.C. streets to fight for gay and lesbian civil rights.
20 Mar 1986
The Gay Rights Anti-Discrimination Bill was passed in New York City, US.
8 Jun 1984
New South Wales, Australia, celebrated the first day of homosexuality being legal.
14 Oct 1979
Up to 125,000 people marched in the first LGBT civil rights march in Washington, D.C.
2 Jun 1979
Tom Bradley, Mayor of Los Angeles, signed the first US gay rights bill.
25 Jun 1978
The rainbow flag was flown for the first time at the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade.
15 Dec 1973
The American Psychiatric Association officially declared that homosexuality is not a mental illness.
28 Jun 1969
New York City Police raided Stonewall Inn gay bar and handled patrons and employees roughly.
15 May 1897
Magnus Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee in Berlin.