20 Dec 1991
A Palestinian couple was convicted of first-degree murder for the honor killing on their daughter.
25 Oct 1978
The original American horror film ''Halloween” premiered in Kansas City, Missouri, US.
28 Oct 1904
Fingerprinting was first officially used in the US in a St. Louis police department.
25 Nov 1884
John B. Meyenberg from St. Louis, Missouri, patented powdered milk.
3 Apr 1882
Robert Ford killed American outlaw Jesse James in St Joseph, Missouri.
7 Jul 1876
Jesse James and the famous James-Younger Gang robbed the Missouri Pacific Railroad near Otterville, Missouri, US.
31 Jan 1874
Jesse James's gang robbed up to $22,000 on a train at Gads Hill, Missouri, US.
13 Feb 1866
Jesse James performed his first daylight armed robbery in the US.
21 Jul 1865
The first-ever western shootdown happened in Market Square, Springfield, Missouri, US.
3 Apr 1860
The mail delivery system known as the Pony Express started.
4 Nov 1841
The first wagon train arrived in California after having left Independence, Missouri, in May 1841.
27 Oct 1838
State of Missouri Passes the Extermination Order.
10 Aug 1821
Missouri entered the United States Union and became the 24th state.