31 May 2005
Deep Throat reveals himself.
22 Apr 1994
President Richard Nixon died of a stroke at the age of 81.
24 Jun 1982
The US Supreme Court declared that no president could be sued for their choices while in office.
8 Sep 1974
US President Gerald Ford officially pardoned Richard Nixon for any crimes he committed as President.
9 Aug 1974
Vice President Gerald Ford was sworn in as the 38th President of the United States after Richard Nixon handed in his resignation.
8 Aug 1974
Richard Nixon announced his resignation from being President of the United States of America.
6 Jan 1974
An energy crisis in the USA prompted President Nixon to initiate daylight saving time four months early.
28 Dec 1973
President Richard Nixon signed the US Endangered Species Act into law.
14 Jun 1973
President Richard Nixon implemented a 60-day price freeze across the US.
15 Jan 1973
Nixon orders ceasefire in Vietnam.
17 Jun 1972
The arrest of five White House operatives sets off the Watergate scandal.
21 Feb 1972
US President Richard Nixon met with Chinese leader Mao Zedong in Beijing to finalize a peace deal between their two countries.
5 Jan 1972
President Richard Nixon passed a new law that allowed NASA to build America's first space shuttle.
17 Jun 1971
US President Richard Nixon declared a War on Drugs.
21 Dec 1970
Elvis Presley met President Richard Nixon in the White House.
6 Nov 1968
Richard Milhous Nixon won the election and became the 37th President of the United States.
24 Jul 1959
Richard Nixon and Nikita Khrushchev have a 'kitchen debate'.
8 May 1958
Richard Nixon was harassed in Peru.
28 Apr 1958
Vice President Richard Nixon started a goodwill tour in South America to show that the US was committed to the region.
23 Sep 1952
Nixon Makes his Checkers Speech.