28 May 2003
The first-ever cloned horse was born in a natural delivery.
15 Feb 2001
The first draft of the human genome was published in Nature Magazine.
12 Jan 1998
Nineteen European nations forbade human cloning; however, the UK and Germany refused to sign the agreement.
22 Feb 1997
The first cloned animal from an adult animal cell was announced.
12 Jun 1965
The idea of the Big Bang Theory being the creation of the universe was supported by scientists.
23 May 1962
Twelve doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston performed the first successful reattachment of a human limb – it was the severed arm of a boy.
23 Jun 1960
The FDA approved the first oral contraceptive pill called Enovid.
25 Apr 1953
Francis Crick & James Watson's discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA was formally announced.
17 Mar 1950
Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory discover Californium, a new radioactive element.
8 Jun 1940
The discovery of the chemical element Neptunium was announced.
27 Feb 1940
Two scientists from the University of California Radiation Laboratory discovered carbon-14, a new isotope of carbon.
11 Feb 1938
The BBC broadcast the world's first science fiction television program, an adaptation of the play R.U.R.
4 Feb 1936
Dr. John J. Livingood reported the first synthetic production of a natural form of radium.
22 Mar 1935
New York became the first US court to allow blood test results to be used as evidence.
27 Jan 1926
The theory of Wave Mechanics by physicist Erwin Schrödinger was first taught in lectures.
11 Jan 1922
The first successful administration of insulin to treat diabetes was given to 14-year-old Leonard Thompson.
5 Mar 1904
Nikola Tesla tried to explain how the phenomenon of ball lightning works.
12 Jan 1896
College students illegally produced America's first X-ray photo.
24 Mar 1882
Dr. Robert Koch discovered Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which is bacteria that causes tuberculosis (TB).
6 Mar 1869
Dmitri Mendeleev presented the first periodic table.
30 Mar 1842
Ether was used as an anesthetic for the first time, by American surgeon Crawford Long, in Athens, Georgia.
21 Apr 1820
While observing a compass needle, scientist Hans Christian Ørsted discovered electromagnetism.
15 Jun 1667
The first documented blood transfusion took place using sheep blood in a teenage boy.