21 Jun 2006
Two newly discovered moons orbiting Pluto were named Nix and Hydra.
27 Dec 2004
Radiation from an explosion on the magnetar SGR 1806-20 reached Earth.
25 Dec 2004
Cassini orbiter released the Huygens probe, which successfully landed on Saturn's moon Titan.
6 Jul 2003
The Cosmic Call 2 mission occurred at the Eupatoria Planetary Radar in western Crimea.
27 Nov 2001
Osiris became the first discovered exoplanet with an atmosphere.
28 Apr 2001
Space welcomed its first tourist from Earth.
23 Mar 2001
Russia's Mir Space Station was deorbited over the South Pacific Ocean.
2 Nov 2000
The first crew arrived at the International Space Station onboard a Soyuz spacecraft.
31 Oct 2000
Soyuz TM-31 was launched, carrying the first crew to reside long-term on the International Space Station.
5 May 2000
A conjunction of Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon occurred.
11 Aug 1999
The last total solar eclipse of the 20th century occurred and was visible from Europe and Asia.
30 Apr 1998
Two new moons orbiting Uranus were announced in Nature magazine.
2 Mar 1998
Jupiter's moon was found to have a liquid ocean under a thick crust of ice.
17 Feb 1998
Voyager 1 passed Pioneer 10 to become the most distant human-made object in space.
21 Apr 1997
American Psychologist Timothy Leary and Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry were launched into orbit after being cremated.
22 Mar 1997
The super-bright comet 'Hale-Bopp' reached its closest point to Earth at a distance of 1.215 AU, making it visible to the naked eye.
7 Mar 1996
The Hubble Space Telescope captured the first images of the surface of Pluto.
6 Oct 1995
The 51 Pegasi b planet was discovered. It was the first discovered exoplanet around a sun-like star.
22 May 1995
Two new moons of Saturn were found in photos from the Hubble Space Telescope by Astronomers Amanda S. Bosh and Andrew S. Rivkin.
14 Mar 1995
The population of space hit a new record with 13 astronauts.
27 Oct 1994
Gliese 229B became the first brown dwarf to be seen and identified by astronomers.
4 Aug 1994
A galaxy named 'Dwingeloo 1' was discovered to be just 10 million light-years from our own.
2 Dec 1993
NASA's Endeavour Space Shuttle was launched through Mission STS-61.
24 Mar 1993
Carolyn & Eugene Shoemaker and David Levy discovered the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet.
13 May 1992
Three astronauts, Richard J. Hieb, Thomas D. Akers, and Pierre J. Thuot, simultaneously walked in space for the first time.
24 Apr 1990
NASA's Discovery Space Shuttle carried the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit.
8 Aug 1989
The Space Shuttle Colombia launched from the Kennedy Space Center for a secret military mission.
19 Sep 1988
Israel launched its first satellite, Ofek-1, from the Palmachim Air Base.
4 Mar 1986
The Soviet Union's Vega 1 Space Probe began sending back images of Halley's Comet.
9 Feb 1986
Halley's Comet was last seen from Earth. It only orbits the Earth once every 75 to 76 years.
7 Aug 1985
The National Space Development Agency of Japan selected Mamoru Mohri, Chiaki Mukai, and Takao Doi as Japan’s first astronauts.
17 Jun 1985
Sultan bin Salman Al Saud became the first Arab and the first Muslim to fly into space.
2 Oct 1984
Three Russian cosmonauts returned from space after spending a record time of 237 days in orbit.
16 Aug 1984
NASA launched its Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers mission (AMPTE) from the Cape Canaveral launch pad.
10 Mar 1982
All nine planets (including Pluto) lined up with the sun.
5 Mar 1982
After a four-month journey, the Venera 14 spacecraft landed on Venus.
20 Dec 1977
The first spacewalk was made by the Soviet cosmonaut Georgy Grechko during Salyut 6 EO-1 mission.
17 Jul 1975
The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project completed the world's first international space rendezvous.
15 Jul 1975
The first-ever international crewed space mission was jointly launched by the US and the USSR.
14 May 1973
The USA's first space station, Skylab, was launched into Earth's orbit.
2 Mar 1972
The US spacecraft Pioneer 10 launched.
5 Jan 1972
President Richard Nixon passed a new law that allowed NASA to build America's first space shuttle.
1 Aug 1971
Astronauts on Apollo 15 discovered a rock that could date back to the birth of the moon.
20 Jul 1969
Apollo 11 landed on the Moon with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins.
19 Jul 1969
NASA's Apollo 11 orbited the moon.
16 Jul 1969
NASA launched Apollo 11 from the Kennedy Space Center.
13 Jul 1969
The USSR's Luna 15 robotic spacecraft was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
25 Feb 1969
NASA's Mariner 6 space probe successfully launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
30 Jun 1967
Robert H. Lawrence, Jr. was selected as the first African-American astronaut.
27 Jan 1967
The Outer Space Treaty was signed to prevent the use of nuclear weapons being utilized in space.