31 Jul 1992
The country of Georgia joined the United Nations shortly after the country became independent.
18 Sep 1990
Liechtenstein became the 160th member of the United Nations.
11 Jul 1987
The United Nations declared Matej Gaspar as the five billionth person in the world.
25 Sep 1981
Belize became a member of the United Nations.
11 Dec 1964
An attack was made at the UN General Assembly in New York City.
18 Sep 1962
Rwanda, Burundi, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tebogo were admitted to the United Nations.
8 Dec 1953
Dwight D. Eisenhower gave his 'Atoms for Peace' speech at the United Nations in New York.
7 Apr 1948
The United Nations formed the World Health Organization (WHO).
20 Apr 1946
The League of Nations was officially dissolved by its member states.
24 Jan 1946
The United Nations General Assembly passes its first resolution.
17 Jan 1946
The UN Security Council holds its first session.
10 Jan 1946
The first General Assembly of the United Nations opens.
26 Jun 1945
Fifty countries signed the United Nations Charter in San Francisco.