14 Jun 1990
Police checks on drunk drivers was declared constitutional by the US Supreme Court.
13 Sep 1989
'Uncle Sam' became the official nickname of the United States.
8 Sep 1988
Yellowstone National Park closed for the first time in US history due to ongoing fires.
1 Sep 1982
The United States of America founded Space Command (SPACECOM), the first of its kind in the US Armed Forces.
23 Nov 1980
The National Black Independent Political Party (NBIPP) was formed in the US.
1 Jan 1971
America banned all advertisements of cigarettes on TV and radio.
20 Dec 1968
The Zodiac Killer claimed two more victims.
24 Jun 1964
An announcement was made to say that all cigarette packages in the US must display health warnings.
14 May 1964
Underground America Day was first observed, which recognizes the approximately 6,000 people who live in some form of underground architecture across North America.
1 Nov 1963
The Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, was officially opened.
1 Jul 1963
The United States Postal Service introduced ZIP codes for US mail.
10 Jun 1963
The US signed the Equal Pay Act to reduce the difference in pay between sexes.
9 May 1960
The United States became the first country to legalize a birth control pill.
5 Jun 1956
The District Court ruled that segregation was unconstitutional in Montgomery.
13 Apr 1953
The director of the CIA launched Project MKUltra, the US' top secret mind control program.
15 Jan 1943
Construction of The Pentagon was completed.
22 Jun 1942
The United States Congress formally recognized the Pledge of Allegiance and added it to the Federal Flag Code.
1 Feb 1942
Voice of America, the US' official external radio and television service, began broadcasting.
31 Oct 1941
After 14 years of work, Mount Rushmore was completed.
24 Jan 1935
The first canned beer received instant approval from customers.
25 Nov 1924
USPTO received a trademark for the Kleenex brand name.
13 Jun 1920
US Post Office banned customers from mailing children and animals.
16 Jan 1919
Alcohol became illegal in most states of America.
13 May 1918
The first US airmail stamps were issued, costing 24 cents.
31 Mar 1918
The US daylight saving time went into effect.
11 Mar 1918
The Spanish Flu received its first case in the US.
19 Feb 1914
Frugal parents mailed their four-year-old child 73 miles from their home to the child's grandparents.
4 Mar 1913
The United States Department of Labor was formed.
19 Jun 1910
Father's Day was celebrated for the first time in the US.
24 Aug 1909
The first installment of concrete was poured into the Panama Canal.
19 Dec 1903
The Williamsburg suspension bridge opened.
6 Oct 1898
The largest music fraternity in the USA, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, was founded.
28 Jun 1894
Labor Day became an official US holiday.
12 Oct 1892
The Pledge of Allegiance was first recited in American schools.
13 Aug 1892
The Baltimore Afro-American newspaper was published for the first time.
1 Jan 1892
Ellis Island opened as a US immigration inspection station.
1 Oct 1890
The United States Congress established Yosemite National Park.
26 Sep 1890
The US Congress abolished the gold dollar and three-dollar coins.
1 May 1886
A national strike began in the United States, calling for an eight-hour workday instead of 12 hours.
12 Jan 1885
The oldest soft drink brand, Dr Pepper, sold its very first bottle in the USA.
2 May 1878
American Congress eliminated the twenty-cent coin.
1 Nov 1870
The United States Weather Bureau made its first comprehensive weather forecast.
22 Jun 1870
The United States Department of Justice was formed.
30 Mar 1870
The US adopted the 15th Amendment, guaranteeing citizens the right to vote.
23 Jan 1870
US cavalrymen massacred 200 Piegan Blackfeet in the Marias Massacre.
23 Mar 1868
The University of California was founded.
16 May 1866
The US Congress approved the 5 cent nickel.
13 Nov 1865
The United States issued gold certificates to battle counterfeit notes.
5 Jul 1865
The United States Secret Service was formed.
22 Apr 1864
The US Congress passed legislation that allowed the 'In God We Trust' inscription on the currency.