5 Apr 2009
North Korea performed a controversial intercontinental ballistic missile test.
24 May 2002
The United States and Russia signed the Moscow Treaty, agreeing to limit their nuclear arsenals.
29 Jan 1996
French President Jacques Chirac announced France's nuclear test program had finished.
12 Jun 1982
Nearly one million people protested for the disarmament of nuclear weapons in Central Park, New York City.
22 Sep 1979
An unidentified double flash of light was detected over the Indian Ocean south of Africa.
6 Jun 1977
The US started plans to construct its first nuclear battlefield weapon.
18 May 1974
India had their first successful nuclear bomb test.
6 Nov 1971
The largest US underground bomb was detonated on Amchitka Island, a remote Alaskan island.
17 Jun 1967
China performed its first thermonuclear test.
27 Jan 1967
The Outer Space Treaty was signed to prevent the use of nuclear weapons being utilized in space.
13 Feb 1960
France became the fourth nuclear-capable nation following its successful Gerboise Bleue atomic test.
9 Feb 1959
The Soviet R-7 Semyorka, the world's first Intercontinental ballistic missile, became operational.
28 Nov 1958
The US SM-65 Atlas missile completed the first successful intercontinental ballistic missile launch.
5 Feb 1958
A nuclear bomb was lost off the coast of Georgia, US.
13 Jan 1958
Nine thousand scientists from 43 nations signed a petition to ban nuclear testing.
28 Jun 1956
The first private research atomic reactor opened in Chicago, Illinois, US.
26 Mar 1954
The US tested the TX-17 thermonuclear bomb for the first time in Bikini Atoll of the Marshall Islands.
25 May 1953
The United States conducted its first and only nuclear artillery test at the Nevada Test Site.
7 Jan 1953
President Truman announced to the people of America that they successfully developed a hydrogen bomb.
26 Feb 1952
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill went public that Britain had its first atomic bomb and planned to test it in Australia by the end of the year.
1 Feb 1951
An atomic bomb explosion was aired on TV for the first time.
27 Jan 1951
The first of 126 nuclear tests started at the Nevada Test Site.
12 Feb 1950
Albert Einstein warned against hydrogen bombs on the ''Today with Mrs. Roosevelt" weekly TV show.
6 Jul 1947
The Soviet Union started mass producing the AK-47 assault rifle.
7 Mar 1946
Citizens of Bikini Island evacuated for nuclear testing.
16 Jul 1945
The world's first atomic bomb was detonated.
22 Dec 1942
Adolf Hitler signed the order to develop the V-2 rocket as a weapon during World War II.
11 Oct 1939
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt received a letter from Albert Einstein detailing the possibility of atomic weapons.
7 Jun 1912
Machine guns were fired from a US airplane for the first time.
2 Sep 1898
Machine guns were used for the first time in a battle in Omdurman, Sudan, Africa.
8 Aug 1854
Smith and Wesson patented the first metal bullet cartridges.
25 Feb 1836
Samuel Colt patented the multi-shot revolving cylinder gun.