19 Jul 1903
Maurice-François Garin won the first Tour de France.
1 Jul 1903
The Tour de France Bicycle Race is flagged off for the first time.
1 Jan 1902
First Rose Bowl Game held in the Rose Bowl Stadium.
21 Aug 1901
American baseball player Joe McGinnity was suspended after a brawl in which he punched and spat at umpire Tom Connolly.
30 Nov 1900
Thomas Gibson and James Mcgrath patented a steerable sled.
11 Jul 1900
Charlotte Cooper won a gold medal, making her the first individual female Olympic champion.
29 Nov 1899
FC Barcelona was founded by a group of English, German, Swiss, and Spanish soccer players.
10 Oct 1899
Isaac R. Johnson received his patent for the bicycle frame.
16 Feb 1899
Iceland's first football club, Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkurv (Reykjavík Football Club), was founded.
16 Aug 1898
Edwin Prescott was awarded a patent for the vertical loop Roller Coaster.
6 Apr 1896
The first modern international Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece.
4 Oct 1895
Englishman wins the first U.S. Open golf tournament.
3 Sep 1895
John Brallier became the first openly paid professional American Football player when he was paid $10 to play a match.
22 Jul 1894
World's first competitive motor race.
23 Jun 1894
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is founded.
11 May 1893
Henri Desgrange made the world's first world record for a bicycle, reaching a speed of 21.95 miles per hour.
12 Nov 1892
Pudge Heffelfinger played his first paid game, making him the first professional American Football player.
28 Sep 1892
The first-ever American football game played at night occurred in a contest between Wyoming Seminary and Mansfield State Normal.
18 Mar 1892
Lord Stanley of Preston pledges to donate a challenge cup for the best ice hockey team in Canada.
15 Jan 1892
The rules of Basketball are published.
28 Mar 1891
The world's first weightlifting championship took place in London, England.
12 May 1890
The first-ever cricket County Championship started, finishing with Yorkshire beating Gloucestershire.
23 Mar 1888
The Football League meets for the first time.
22 Mar 1888
Aston Villa's director, William McGregor, formed the English Football League.
24 Nov 1887
George Hancock, who invented softball, played the first match in Chicago.
18 Jan 1886
Modern hockey is born.
22 Apr 1884
General Laborer Thomas Stevens started his first bicycle trip around the world.
22 May 1883
When Cubs' player Billy Sunday played his first game, he struck out four times.
31 Aug 1881
The first-ever inaugural US National Championship for tennis occurred in Newport, Rhode Island, USA.
12 Mar 1881
The world's first black international football player, Andrew Watson, played his first of three matches in Scotland.
9 Jul 1877
The first-ever Wimbledon Championship began.
16 Mar 1876
Nelly Saunders and Rose Harland fought in America's first public women's boxing match.
30 Nov 1872
The world's first international soccer match took place.
27 Mar 1871
England and Scotland compete in the first international rugby match.
7 Nov 1869
The first city to city cycle race was held between Paris and Rouen.
4 May 1869
The Cincinnati Red Stockings played their first game, winning with 45-9 against the Great Westerns of Cincinnati.
20 Nov 1866
French inventor Pierre Lallement was awarded his patent for a pedal bicycle.
26 Oct 1863
The Football Association is formed.
30 Jun 1859
Charles Blondin became the first person to cross Niagara Falls by walking across a tightrope.
22 Jan 1857
The National Association of Baseball Players was established in New York.
22 Aug 1851
The First America's Cup is held.
27 May 1851
The world's first chess tournament is held in London.
9 Jan 1811
The first-ever all-female golf tournament was held.
22 Oct 1797
The world's first recorded parachute jump occurred from 3,300 feet (1,000 m) above Paris.
6 Jan 1681
A first-of-its-kind boxing match took place to settle a feud between a butler and a butcher.
25 Mar 1668
The US held its first horse race in Long Island, New York.